Felix H. Knott
Felix H. Knott, physician and surgeon, Washington, was born in Fayette County, February 21, 1851. He is a son of Ananias and Mary Knott, natives of Pennsylvania, who came to Ohio about the year 1845, with a family of five children, two sons and three daughters.
Felix, our subject, was married in 1871, to Miss Samantha De- Witt, daughter of Anderson and Elizabeth DeWitt, of this county. They have a family of two children, Lulu and Wallace.
Mr. Knott received his education in Cincinnati, at the Eclectic Medical College, where he graduated in 1871. He commenced practicing in 1869, and practiced at Monticello, Illinois, for some three years and a half. After this he settled in Washington, where he has since resided. He commenced reading medicine at the age of twelve, with his father, who was also a physician, at Monticello, Illinois. He had accumulated quite a nice property, and had money upon which to live comfortably, but upon account of his wife's health was compelled to leave there at considerable of a sacrifice. At one time he lost $7,000, going security. By faithfulness to business he has gained a practice and reputation second to none.
From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County