John S. Goldtrap
J. S. Goldtrap, supervising agent Singer Manufacturing Company, was born in Clermont County, Ohio, July 13, 1844, and is a son of Thomas and Mary M. Goldtrap, both natives of this state, and who had a family of twelve children, all of whom are living but two.
John S., our subject, was educated in Clermont County, where his youth was spent. lie was inarried, February 22, 1873, to Miss Emma B. White, daughter of Dr. R. P. White, o^ Cincinnati; she Avas born May 22, 1854. They have had one child, Bessie May, born April 29, 1878. Mr. Goldtrap is a member of Temple Lodge, No. 227, I. 0. O. F. At present, he is engaged as supervising agent for the Singer Manufacturing Company, with his office on Court Street, opposite the Arlington House, where he is doing an extensive business; his sales amounting to fifteen hundred dollars per month. He handles only the genuine Singer Machine, whose merits are well known all over the world. The sales of the company which he represents, during the year 1880, amounted to 538,609, being two thirds of all the machines sold in the United States, and an increase over their sales of the previous year of 107,442. Mr. Goldtrap keeps a full line of machine attachments, needles, etc., at his office.
From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County