Richard Fawkes
Richard Fawkes, blacksmith, Jeffersonville, is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born October 29, 1816. He came to Ohio in 1836, and located at South Charleston, Clarke County, and remained there until 1842, when became to .this place, where he has since lived.
August 5, 1850, he was married to Miss Harriet Curry, of Jamestown, Greene County, formerly of Jeffersonville. Their family consisted of three children: Charles R., Clinton W., and Mary S., the latter dying at the early age of seven years and ten months.
Mr. Fawkes learned the blacksmith trade in Pennsylvania, and worked at it about twenty-five years. He then engaged in the drug business for about seven years; sold his store in February, 1880, and has since lived a retired life, until quite recently he began working at his trade again. He is a hale, hearty man, of a strong constitution. Is a charter member of Jeffersonville Lodge No. 454, I. O. O. F., and was formerly a member of Jamestown Lodge No. 181. He has witnessed much of Fayette County's rapid improvement and growth, which was quite a wild place when he became acquainted with it. The roads were very muddy almost half the year, and there were no railroads. He has a good home and shop, and eleven town lots in Jeffersonville.
From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County