Robert S. Eyre
The Eyre ancestry were from England. John Eyre, the grandfather of this subject, was a Virginian. His children were Robert, Hannah, Samuel, Nancy, and William. William Eyre was the youngest of his father's family, and was born in Virginia in 1802. The family came to Ohio in 1804, settling at the falls of Paint Creek, in Ross County. After John Eyre's death, his widow married Judge James Mooney. Soon after this the family settled in Perry Township, this county.
Robert S. Eyre, the fourth son and seventh child of William and Jemima (Smith) Eyre, was born April 24, 1845. The children of William and Jemima Eyre were John, William H., Nancy A., Eliza C, Joseph M., Hannah E., Robert S., and Sarah E. By a former marriage to Leah Job, Mr. Eyre had two daughters—Mary J., and Minerva.
Our subject was married, November 16, 1871, to Mary J. Chalfant, second daughter of Nathan H. and Adaline (Harris) Chalfant, of Highland County. Mrs. Eyre was born September 4, 1847. To this union four children have been born: Vertie E., born June 23, 1873; William N., born May 1, 1876; Lulu M., born March 23, 1879; Joseph C, born January 22, 1881.
Mr. Eyre has a creditable record as a soldier in the late civil war, serving as a private in Company G, 73d O. V. V. I., 3d brigade, 3d division, 20th army corps. His regiment campaigned with Sherman, and made itself illustrious in many hard fought battles, and was mustered out at the close of the war.
Mr. Eyre became an Odd-fellow, January 5, 1876, and is an active member of Wilstach Lodge No. 368, at New Martinsburg. He is Master of Forest Shade Grange No. 368.
His politics is of the staunch Republican order.
From R. S. Dills' History of Fayette County