Ohio Biographies

Samuel Morgan Corbitt

Though more than a score of years have elapsed since Samuel Morgan Corbitt was transferred from the life militant to the life triumphant, his personality still remains fresh in the memory of his many friends in Fayette county, where for many years he was regarded as one of the leading citizens. He was well known throughout this county and was a man respected and honored, not because of the vigorous training of his special talents, but because of his daily life. He set an excellent example to the younger generation, for he was a leader in his locality in all matters pertaining to its upbuilding and in a conservative manner did what good he could in all lines as he labored for his own advancement and that of his family. While advancing his individual interests he never lost sight of his obligations to the community in general and during his entire life held a high place in the confidence and esteem of all who knew him.

The late Samuel Morgan Corbitt was born in Fayette county. Ohio, April 5, 1844, and died on the farm where he was born, August 30, 1891. He was the son of Samuel K. and Catherine (Jenkins) Corbitt. Samuel Corbitt, Sr., was seventeen years of age when he came to Fayette county, his parents having died when he was a mere child. He grew to manhood in this county, married and reared a family of five children, William Hickling, Mrs. Ruth A. Calhoun, Mattison W.. Oliver K., and Samuel Morgan, with whom this narrative deals.

Samuel Morgan Corbitt received his education in the schools of Jefferson township and finished at the high school at Jeffersonville, after which he took a business course in the Miami Commercial College at Dayton, Ohio, when he returned to this county and took up the occupation of farming, which he followed until his death. He was a man of fine business ability, keenly interested in everything pertaining to the welfare of his community, and was justly regarded as one of the most progressive farmers of the county. At the time of his death he was the owner of two hundred and sixty-four acres of tine land, on which he had modern buildings of all kinds.

Mr. Corbitt was married, November 13, 1806, to Mary E. Rowand, the daughter of Benijah and Martha (Correll) Rowand, and to this union were born five children: Jessie Mildred, the wife of P. L. Rodgers; Laura Vivian, who is married to Lewis Bates and has two children, Mary Lucile and Morgan Willard; Minnie Kee, the deceased wife of Charles Wilt; Lola B., deceased, and Roxa LeClare, who is still living with her mother.

Politically. Mr. Corbitt was a Democrat and, while never taking an active part in pohtical matters, always took an intelligent interest in the civic life of his community. For many years he served on the school board of his township and in that capacity always cast his influence for every measure which he felt would benefit the schools in any way He built up a reputation as an honest, upright and fearless business man and left a record which stamps him as a man of high ideals and sound moral principles. Though never animated by great ambitions for public honors, yet he always gave his aid to the furtherance of the general interests of his community. His life was a busy one and his every-day affairs made heavy demands upon his time, yet he never shrank from his duties as a citizen and his obligations to his neighbors and friends.


From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)



