Nathan Creamer
The first member of the Creamer family to locate in Fayette county, Ohio, was George Creamer, the grandfather of Nathan Creamer, with whom this narrative deals. George Creamer and his wife. Elizabeth Barney, came from Rockingham county,Virginia, to this county in 1816. and located on military land. The county was only seven years old when they located here and consequently they began life under truly pioneer conditions. They had to clear the land, drain the swamps and endure all the privations incident to life in any new and unsettled country. The one hundred years which this family have spent in this county has seen more changes in the progress of civilization than all of the previous years of history put together. Descended from such sterling ancestry, it is not to be wondered at that Nathan Creamer is a man of excellent qualities and a citizen who is highly honored and respected in his community.
Nathan Creamer, the son of Joseph B. and Elizabeth (Life) Creamer, was born about one mile southwest of Jeffersonville, September 18, 1844. His father, who was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, came to this county with his parents, George and Elizabeth (Barney) Creamer, when he was eight years of age, and lived the remainder of his days on the farm where his son, Nathan, is now located. George Creamer entered the land from the government and put part of it in shape for crops. Under these pioneer conditions Joseph Creamer grew to manhood, married and reared a family of seven children, Mrs.
Nathan Creamer was reared on the farm where he was born. He received his education in the district schools of his home neighborhood and finished at Jeffersonville in the graded schools. As a youth he worked on his father's farm during the summer seasons and at the age of twenty-five commenced renting land of his father. After the latter's death he purchased the interests of the other children in the home farm and has since been operating it with marked success. He carries on a general system of farming and stock raising and, being a man of progressive ideas, has had the satisfaction of seeing his efforts abundantly rewarded. Mr. Creamer was married in 1872 to Martha M. Cryder, the daughter of William and Susan (Carr) Cryder, of Madison county, Ohio, and to this union have been born three children, Ansel, Minnie and Jesse C. Ansel, now deceased, who was three years in the State University. died February 22, 1914; he married Susan Horley, and has three children, Edith E., Anna and Ansel. Jr.; Minnie is deceased: Jesse C. is a student in the Ohio State University, where he has completed two years of the regular course.
Politically, MIr. Creamer is a Republican and has held various offices at the hands of his party. He served as supervisor and also as a member of the school board, of which he has been president. His party. recognizing in him a man of ability and integrity, nominated and subsequently elected him to the responsible position of trustee of his township. and he is filling this office with honor to himself and credit to the citizens of the township. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Protestant church.
From History of Fayette County Ohio - Her People, Industries and Institutions by Frank M. Allen (1914, R. F. Bowen & Company, Inc.)