William Ziegler
William Ziegler, a member of the board of trustees of Troy Township, is a leading citizen of this section and resides on his valuable farm of 114 acres, which he has under an excellent state of cultivation. He was born in Delaware Township. Delaware County, Ohio, March 30, 1861, and is a son of Frederick and Sarah (Biber) Ziegler.
Frederick Ziegler was also born in Delaware County and still survives, being a resident of Berlin Township. His father. Reuben Ziegler, was born in Berks County. Pennsylvania, and came to Delaware County and Township, at a very early day. Frederick Ziegler married Sarah Biber and they had seven children, namely: William; Anna, who married Clay Walker, residing in Missouri; Frederick, who resides at Marshall, Arkansas; Alice, residing in Berlin Township; Luther, a resident of the State of Missouri; Edward, residing in Troy Township, and John, who resides in Delaware County. Alter many years of residence in Delaware County, Frederick Ziegler went to Missouri, but in the spring of 1907, he settled in Berlin Township. He is a Democrat. For many years he has been a worthy member of the Lutheran Church.
William Ziegler was reared in Delaware Township and there attended the public schools. He has always found his chief interest in farming and has been very successful in bis agricultural operations. In 1902 he came to Troy Township, having resided for some years previously in Marlborough Township. Since settling here he has become identified with the public affairs of the township to such a degree that he was elected a member of the Board of Trustees and is making a useful official.
Mr. Ziegler married Attie Schneck, who is a daughter of Thomas Schneck, of Troy Township, and they have had the following children: Clyde C., Karl, Otto, Harry, Lowell, Clara B. and Florence. Mr. Ziegler, with his family, belongs to the Lutheran Church at Delaware. In politics, he is a Democrat
20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908