Ohio Biographies

John W. Watkins

John W. Watkins, general agriculturist, owning 131 acres of valuable land situated in Radnor Township, was born on this farm, June 24, 1843, and is a son of Watkin and Mary (Jones) Watkins.

The paternal grand father was Evan Watkins, who died in Wales, and bis widow subsequently emigrated to America with her six children. Watkin Watkins was born in Llanervill, Wales, in 1809, and died in 1844. He was about 12 years old when his mother came to America and settled in Radnor Township, Delaware County, where he attended the early schools. He remained on the farm until he was approaching manhood, when he went to Buffalo and shipped as a fireman on a steamer, later becoming an engineer. He continued to live at Buffalo but purchased the present farm when it was practically all forest. He engaged in farming for several years before his death. He married Mary Jones, who died in September, 1905, aged 87 years. She was a daughter of John P. Jones, who came to Radnor Township from Wales, in 1820. Later Mrs. Watkins contracted a second marriage, becoming the wife of Richard Bunford, of Radnor Township. To her first marriage were born two children: Izates, residing at Wellsville, Kansas; and John W. To her second marriage two children were born. Philip and Mary A. She was a member of the Congregational Church.

John W. Watkins was reared in Radnor Township, where he attended the country schools and worked on the home farm. In 1864 he enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Forty-fifth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was honorably discharged in the following September. His service was guarding the defenses of Washington City. He is a member of Mounts Post, Grand Army of the Republic, at Prospect. After his return from the army he remained at home, farming during the summers and teaching school during the winters, until 1870, when he married. He then purchased the home farm of 86 acres and to that has added 45 acres. He devotes his land to corn, hay, oats and alfalfa. He has 15 head of cattle, 15 of sheep, 60 of hogs, 12 of horses and raises from two to four horses every year. He is a first-class, practical farmer and he enjoys the prosperity which results from industry and good management.

Mr. Watkins married Mary Jones, who is a daughter of Evan Jones, a resident of Scioto Tovvnship. Of their six children, five survive, namely: Watkin, residing in Thompson Township; William, residing in Radnor Township; Lida, who married Emlin Jones, residing in Radnor Township; and Delia and lzates G., both residing at home. The family belong to the Congregational Church. In politics, Mr. Watkins is a Republican and has served as assessor and land appraiser. He was his party's candidate on one occasion for county treasurer and was defeated by a very small majority. He is a member of the National Union and also of the Odd Fellows belonging to Radnor Lodge since 1867, of which he is past grand. He is a representative citizen of this section.


20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



