Frank E. Whipple
Frank E. Whipple, cashier of the Farmers Savings Bank Company of Ashley and one of the most prominent citizens of that village, was born four miles southeast of Ashley, in Peru Township, in what was then Delaware, now Morrow, County. He was born November 6, 1853, on the old family homesteacl where his grandfather, Reuben Whipple, settled in 1818. Reuben Whipple came from Rhode Island with his family at that time, but had previously been here to secure a location and had 140 acres of land wholly uncleared. He first made a clearing for a log cabin, and then set about converting his land into tillable shape. He was a hardy pioneer and became one of the most prosperous farmers in the township. He was a carpenter and mechanical genius and erected a house and barn on his place, which were unexcelled in that vicinity for many years. These buildings were built on a more substantial plan than those of modern type and are still in service on the farm in good repair. He had a carpenter shop on his place, and followed his trade for some years. He married Sally Cook, and of their children, one was Noah Whipple, father of Frank E.
Noah Whipple was born in Rhode Island, July 7, 1811, and was seven years old when the family moved west to Ohio. Throughout his active career he farmed the home place, but moved to Ashley with bis son Frank E. in 1895. He resided here until a short time before his death, which took place in Massillon, Ohio, in January, 1900, while visiting a daughter. His wife's maiden name was Margaret Elliott, and she was born in Virginia. Her father, Archibald Elliott, came from Virginia and first settled in Blendon Township, Franklin County, moving subsequently to Eden Station, Delaware County. Mrs. Whipple died November 5, 1895. Of seven children born of their union five are living, as follows: Phoebe (Kohler), of Ashley; Ella (Wallace), a widow residing in Ashley; J. C. who resides near Leonardsburg; Frank E.; and Flora (Benedict), who lives in Massillon, Ohio.
Frank E. Whipple was reared on the home farm and although a well-informed and broadguaged man, his educational training was limited to the common schools. He followed farming until his connection with the bank began, although he had moved to Ashley in 1895. He added to the home place, and still owns 180 acres of it, and also has a valuable farm of 135 acres adjoining the corporation on the east. He recently erected a fine two story pressed brick building in the business centre of Ashley, with two store rooms on the main floor, and a hall for Knights of Pythias above. Mr. Whipple was the first president of the Farmers Savings Bank Company, of which he was one of the promotors and incorporators, and served as such until January 1, 1907. since which time he has been cashier. A careful, capable business man, his success has been uninterrupted. He is a man of public spirit and has done much to advance and develop the interests of Ashley.
On October 15, 1885 Mr. Whipple was united in marriage with Nettie Slack, who was born in Oxford Township, and is a daughter of Nathaniel Slack. They have a daughter, Pearl, who married Harley Dennis, of Ashley, on June 6, 1907.
Politically, Mr. Whipple is a Republican and served as a member of the School Board for seven years. He is fraternally connected with the Knights of Pythias and the F. & A. M. of Ashley.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908