Dr. Albert Ernest Westbrook
Dr. Albert Ernest Westbrook, who has been engaged in medical practice in Ashley for a period of forty-two years, is also the proprietor of a drug store at this place. He was born December 17. 1840, in the hotel conducted by his parents at Woodbury, which at that time was quite a town in Peru Township, then in Delaware County, but now in Morrow County. He is a son of Solomon Westbrook, and a grandson of John Westbrook, who settled in Canandaigua County, New York. The Westbrook family originally came from Germany, two brothers, John and Leonard, coming to this country at an early date.
Solomon Westbrook, the Doctor's father, was born in 1798 in Canandaigua County, New York, and in 1816 moved to Johnstown, Licking County, Ohio. He married Mrs. Mathena Crawford, nee Edmunds, it being the second marriage for both. He had one son by his first marriage, and she had six children hy her first marriage to William Crawford. She was a daughter of Samuel Edmunds, who also came from Canandaigua County, New York to Johnstown, Ohio. Of the children of their several unions, but one aside from Dr. Westbrook is living—the latter's full sister. Jane, who is the widow of Robert Gardner, and lives one mile north of South Woodbury.
Solomon Westbrook followed farming until after his marriage, at Johnstown, and then conducted a hotel until 1836. He then went on horseback to New Orleans, where he practiced medicine for one year, after which he returned to his old home, and then shortly afterward journeyed in the same manner to Canada and back. In 1849 he went to Missouri, and from St. Joseph crossed the plains to San Francisco with a company from Delaware, Ohio. He drove three yoke of oxen and walked every step of the way. Many were the hardships endured by the party, and their condition upon their arrival in San Francisco was pitiable. Mr. Westbrook had nothing to eat but one cracker per day for twenty-six days and one of the party, Dr. Mann of Delaware, died of scurvy after his arrival. Mr. Westbrook remained two years in the West, working in the gold mines, and upon his return to Ohio had $500 in gold, being no richer and no poorer than when he left home.
Dr. Albert E. Westbrook was reared in Woodbury and attended Mt. Hesper Seminary, a well known institution of learning of that day located little more than a mile south of tlie village. He attended Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware one year, in 1857, and afterward read medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. I. H. Pennock, preparatory to entering Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, from which institution he was graduated with the degree of M. D. on February 22. 1863. In August of that year he entered the 106th Regiment, Ohio Vol. Inf., as assistant surgeon, and served until the war closed. He was on detached duty at Gallitan, Tennessee, where he had charge of the Post Hospital; and was medical director on the staff of Brig. Gen. E. A. Payne. He had charge of Fts. Negley, Huston and Morton, at Nashville, and was on duty also at Stevenson, Alabama. For a time he served as surgeon in the 68th Regiment, N. Y. Vol. Inf., at Bridgeport, Alabama. He was mustered out June 29, `865, at Nashville. The Doctor has preserved every order received while in the service and has the bridle, saddle and spurs which he used. At present he is the only physician living in Delaware County who served as such in the army.
On August 10, 1865, Dr. Westbrook came to Ashley and engaged in the practice of medicine, in which he has since continued—a period of forty-two years. For the past twenty-five years he has also conducted the only drug store in Ashley. He is a prominent citizen and a successful man. He is a member of the American Medical Association; the Ohio State Medical Society, and the Delaware County Medical Society, having served one term as president and also as vice president of the latter.
In 1866 Dr. Westbrook married Amanda E. Cunard, a daughter of Judge S. T. Cunard, who was a prominent jurist of Mt. Gilead, She died April 17, 1885, leaving three children as follows: Edward Cunard Westbrook, who is engaged in farming in Oxford Township, and who married Britta Cline, by whom he has one son—Cline Edmunds; Blanch Alberta, wife of John T. Olds, a hardware merchant of Ashley, who has one son—Neil Albert : and Grace Summer, who married Wesley McCurdy, a clothing merchant of Ashley, and has children—Lois, Amanda, Lawton W., Lloyd, and Rose Cunard. Dr. Westbrook was married a second time, in 1886, to Rose M. Cunard, a daughter of Captain L. M. Cunard of Mt. Gilead, Ohio.
Dr. Westbrook is a Republican in politics and has held numerous local offices. He was instrumental in establishing a graded school here, but it was only after a determined fight on his part and that of a few other enterprising and public spirited men who stood with him. He was elected on the first Board of Education and served nine years, and was three times a member of the Town Council. Fraternally, Dr. Westbrook is a member of Ashley Lodge, No. 404, F. & A. M., and was formerly a member of the Chapter at Delaware.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908
Dr. A. E. Westbrook, of Ashley, Ohio, was born in 1840 at South Woodbury, Morrow County. Ohio. His father came to Ohio in 1816. The doctor was educated at Mt. Hesper Seminary, and at the Ohio Wesleyan University. He read medicine with Dr. I. H. Pennock at Cardington, Ohio, who was one of the best-read physicians in the State. He graduated from the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery in 1863. and soon after entered the army with the One Hundred and Sixth O. V. I. as surgeon, which position he held until the close of the war. A part of the time while in the service, he had charge of the Post Hospital, and was medical director on the staff of Brigadier-General Payne. He also had charge of the Forts Negley, Huston and Morton at Nashville, Tennessee. After the close of the war he returned to Ashley and at once entered upon a large practice. Notwithstanding he is nearly three score years and ten, he is full of vigor, and enjoying his work. He never made any distinction between the poor and the rich; but was always ready to attend the afflicted and those who needed his services. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Ohio Medical Society and belonged to the old Delaware County Medical Association, and served as president of it at one time in 1878. He has always been an active member in the schools of his town, and has served in various capacities many years. He was married to Judge Cunard's daughter at Mt. Gilead.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908