James R. Thomas
James Thomas, who owns a magnificent farm of 200 acres in Radnor Township, on which he is extensively engaged in farming and stock raising, was born February 11, 1863, in Radnor Township, Delaware County, Ohio, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Evans) Thomas.
James Thomas, father of James R., was born in Montgomeryshire, Wales, and died in Radnor Township, April 9, 1891, aged 74 years. At the age of 12 years he accompanied his parents to America. They lived for three years at Utica, New York, and then came to Delaware. Mr. Thomas was employed in Pettibone's hotel and drove a stage coach for a number of years, after which he bought a farm in Troy Township on which he remained until 1855, when he came to Radnor Township, selling his Troy Township farm and buying one north of Radnor village. It was wild land at that time, which he cleared off and here developed a valuable property. He married Elizabeth Evans, who was also born in Montgomeryshire, Wales. They had 11 children, nine of whom survived infancy, namely: Mary, who is the widow of David W. Jones, resides at Radnor; Robert, who lives in Radnor Township; Margaret, who is the wife of Rees W. Jones, of Radnor Township; William, who died in February, 1907, was the first break in the mature family in fifty years; John, who lives in Radnor Township; Elizabeth, who married Charles Dildine, of Ashley Township: James R.; Martha, who married Samuel Seigfried, residing in Delaware Township; and Alice, who married William Wiser of Troy Township. The parents reared their children in the faith of the Congregational Church.
James R. Thomas remained at home and assisted his father until his own marriage. He was educated in the excellent public schools of Radnor Township and his interests have been centered almost entirely in this section. In 1884 he bought his present farm of 200 acres and has 100 acres under the plow, but wheat is the only crop he markets. He keeps 30 head of Shorthorn cattle, 100 Chester White hogs and from 10 to 12 horses. He erected a very fine residence on his farm and a substantial barn 40 by 50 feet in dimensions, with 16-foot posts.
Mr. Thomas married Lavina Feaster. who is a daughter of James Feaster. of Troy Township, and they have five children: Hazel, Goldie, Wealthy, Erma and Arden James. Mr. Thomas and family belong to the Congregational Church. In political sentiment, Mr. Thomas is a Republican, but his interest is only that of a good citizen who is anxious to see the laws upheld.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908