Charles Francis Talley, M.D.
Charles Francis Talley, M.D., physician and surgeon at Powell, and physician for the State Industrial Home for Girls at this point, was born in Concord Township, Delaware County, Ohio, September 15, 1864, and is a son of Nelson E. and Eliza (Edelman) Talley.
The father of Dr. Talley was born in Pennsylvania and came to Ohio when he was a young man, settling first at Prospect, in Marion County. He was of French extraction. He married while he lived at Prospect and afterward moved to Concord Township, in Delaware County. His family included 10 children, namely: Sarah, residing in Concord Township; Mary, who is the widow of Charles Vienot, residing in Scioto Township; William, residing in Texas; Annie, deceased, was the wife of William Spero, of Concord Township; John Frederick, residing at Delaware, who married Flora Oiler, a daughter of George W. Oiler; Andrew Jackson, residing in Concord Township, who married Maggie O. Connor, of Evansville, Indiana; Nelson R., residing at Evansville; and Charles Francis, Twin children died in infancy.
Dr. Talley was educated in the common and high schools of Concord Township, grow ing to manhood on his father's farm. In 1884, he entered the Miami Medical College at Cincinnati, where he was graduated in 1886. In the same year he located at Hyattsville. where he engaged in practice until the spring of 1896, when he came to Powell, where, for full 11 years he has been faithfully engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery, in the meanwhile building up a reputation which has carried his name over all this section of the State. He is a valued member of both the Delaware County and the Ohio State Medical Associations. He has business interests in this section and owns a one-third interest in The Powell Flour and Feed Milling Company.
Dr. Taller was married to Lucy B. Marquett, who is a daughter of Warner Marquett, of Liberty Township. He is a Republican in his political sentiments and fraternally he belongs to the Elks, the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows, and to Hiram Lodge. No. 18, F. & A. M., at Delaware. Dr. Talley stands high professionally and equally so personally.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens by James R. Lytle
Dr. Charles Francis Talley graduated at the Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, Ohio, on the 5th day of March, 1886. He located at Hyattsville, Delaware County, Ohio, but soon removed to Powell, Delaware County, Ohio, where he is now located and is engaged in a successful practice.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908