Ohio Biographies

Thomas Mercer Seeds

Thomas Mercer Seeds, for many years a prominent business man of Ashley, Delaware County Ohio, is now living in retirement. He has resided here almost continuously since he was 19 years of age and is widely known amomg the people of this vicinity. He was horn in Chester County. Pennsylvania. November 8, 1835, and is a son of Job and Mary (Mercer) Seeds.

Job Seeds was born and reared in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and during his younger days taught in the public schools. He then followed surveying for some years, and then engaged in farming. He was first located on Brandywine Creek, where the famous battle of that name was fought during the Revolution, but moved from there to Columbiana County, Ohio, where he lived until his death. He married Mary Mercer, a native of Chester County, and they became parents of the following children: Edward, deceased; Thomas Mercer; Paschal, who now lives in California; Hannah, deceased; Margaret, wife of William Brown, deceased, resides in Columbiana County, Ohio; and Mary, deceased.

Thomas M. Seeds was reared in his native county and there learned the trade of shoemaker. He was 19 years old when, in 1854, he came west alone, and began working at his trade in the establishment of Aaron Morehouse, near Ashley. After one year he moved to Stantontown and continued his trade for a like period, then returned to Ashley. In 1862 he formed a partnership with M. B. Shoemaker, and under the name and style of Seeds & Shoemaker conducted a general store, including hardware and groceries, until 1879. In the meantime he also engaged extensively in buying and shipping grain. Then in partnership with his son. under the firm name of T. M. Seeds & Son. he conducted a general hardware store, including a stock of farming utensils, general hardware and builders' supplies. In connection with this enterprise they operated the only lumber yard in the village. Finally Mr. Seeds and his son dissolved partnership, when he took the hardware and his son the lumber business, and he continued in the hardware line until 1896, since which time he has lived in retirement. About 1873, be erected a modern brick residence on a tract of four and a half acres he owns, adjoining the village, and resided there until 1904, when he moved to his present location. On July 26, 1856, Mr. Seeds was married (first) to Adelia Shoemaker, who was born and reared in Delaware County, and was a daughter of Daniel Shoemaker. She died October 10, 1903, having given birth to nine children, the record being as follows: Rosa married Robert Sherman of Dayton, Tennessee, and have the following offspring: Blanche, wife of John Reidy, has three children; Dawn, wife of Ray Sperry, has three children. Lillian and Edwin Sperry, and a daughter, Julia McGough by a first marriage; Walter, Bessie and Belle. Edward Seeds, second child of Mr. Seeds, married Lillian Baumbarger and has one son, Cyloneous, Weston, residing at Columbus, married Kitty Gilbert and they have one son, Gerald. Etta married Melvin McConbrey of Algier, Ohio, and they have a son, Ray. Myrtie married Frank Wigton, and they have a son, Harry Seeds Wigton.

Mr. Seeds was married (second) November 23, 1904, to Mrs. Elizabeth (Laughrey) Waugh, who was born in Knox County, Ohio, September 9, 1840, and is a daughter of Samuel and Julia Ann (Harris) Laughrey. She first married Samuel Waugh, by whom she has four children living: William E., who resides in California; Samuel Charles, who lives in California; Elizabeth Viola, who is the wife of Josephine Doty, of Leonardsburg, Ohio; and Nancy Rosella, who is the wife ot Wilber Wandell of California. Religiously, both Mr. and Mrs. Seeds have been Spiritualists for many years. Mr. Seeds served for years as township and village treasurer and is a Democrat in politics.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



