Ohio Biographies

George Henry Seese

George Henry Seese, a leading citizen of Orange Township, who owns a valuable farm of 130 acres, which he devotes to general farming, stockraising and dairying, was born April 7, 1856, in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, not far from Strasburg, and is a son of David and Susan (Wallick) Seese.

The Seese family came of German ancestors settled in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and from there George Seese, the father of George Henry Seese, came to Ohio at an early day, settling in the wilderness of Tuscarawas County, a long distance from civilization. At that time he was obliged to go 40 miles to reach a mill. George Wallick, the maternal grandfather, was also a pioneer in the same county and the families of Seese and Wallick lived in close proximity. Grandfather Seese reared 12 children and Grandfather Wallick reared eight. The former died aged 56 years, but Grandmother Wallick survived to be 72. David Seese, father of George Henry, was born July 28, 1828, and still survives, the only remaining member of his family. He married Susan Wallick, who died about 1893, aged 56 years. Ten children were born to them, namely: Josephine, deceased, was the wife of J. H. Burris; George H.; Charles F., a prominent educator and man of public affairs now filling a professorship in a Cleveland school, was formerly principal of the Hudson High School and served several terms in the State Legislature from Summit County; S. B. E., residing at Seattle, Washington, is general agent for the New York Life & Accident Insurance Company, formerly a resident of Toledo; Tena Melvina. who married William Grennell, a resident of Massilon, Ohio; Sarah Elizabeth, residing at Massilon, married Dudley Koontz; Amanda Jane, unmarried, resides at Massilon; William Grant, who is engaged in educational work, married Orpha Kohr; and the others died in infancy. Both parents of Mr. Seese were well known in the community in which they lived and enjoyed the esteem of those who knew them.

George Henry Seese went to school in Franklin Township, Tuscarawas County, and attended the Hartline district school. He has followed agricultural pursuits ever since, working for six years by the month in his native county, following his marriage. In 1893 he bought his first farm, a tract of land in Liberty Township, Delaware County, on which he incurred an indebtedness of $2,000. Prior to the purchase of his present fine farm he sold that property at a profit of $1,000. This speaks well for his business capacity as well as his industry and perseverance. He has been blessed with a wife who has greatly assisted him in providently taking care of his earnings and he gives her credit for a large part of his success. They began life together with not a dollar of capital and have proved that money, while a very good possession, is not necessary to happiness. They can look over their broad acres, enjoy the comforts of their nice buildings and take pride in their valuable stock, and know that these things are theirs through honest effort on their part, with assistance from no outside party or any speculative investment. The farm they have owned for the past six years is valued at fully $12,000.

On April 10, 1880, Mr. Seese was married to Almeda C. Burris, who is a daughter of Jonathan and Mary (France) Burris, who lived and died in Tuscarawas County. They have had two sons and two daughters born to them, namely: Hurles R., who is engaged in farming in Liberty Township, was married to Myrtle R. Bennett and they have one child: Porter H., residing one-quarter of a mile from his father, does his farming for him and married Ethel Fate; Tessie May is the wife of Ralph Brintlinger, residing in Liberty Township, south of Powell; and Susie B., who recently married Darrel Hursey, resides at home.

In politics, Mr. Seese is a very active and influential Republican and is his party's candidate fur nomination for county commissioner. He is known to be both capable, honest and public-spirited and he has an army of good friends. For the past 20 years he has been prominent in political matters in this section. During his residence in Liberty Township, he served several terms as township trustee. Frequently he has served as a delegate to State conventions and he was appointed on the Centennial Committee from Orange Township to represent Delaware County. Both Mr. and Mrs. Seese were reared in the United Brethren faith but at present they are united with the Presbyterian Church of Liberty Township.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



