Ohio Biographies

George Albert Shuster

George Albert Shuster, a highly esteemed resident of Delaware Township, who is engaged in general farming on his tract of 50 acres, was born on his present farm in Delaware County. Ohio, May 31, 1840. and is a son of George and Catherine (Morgan) Shuster.

George Shuster was born January 22, 1809, in Pennsylvania, and died in Delaware County, Ohio, aged 82 years. He was nine years old when he was brought to Morgan County, Ohio, by his father, John Shuster. His educational opportunities were decidedly limited, and he went barefooted winter and summer until he worked for the money with which to buy himself his first pair of shoes. For nine years Mr. Shuster worked on the National turnpike, and then came to Delaware Township, where he worked on the Mull turnpike until he purchased the farm now owned by his son George Albert, then a tract of 115 acres, of which he later sold 15 acres to his father-in-law. On locating on this property, Mr. Shuster found it heavily timbered, the only clearing that had been done being that cut by the coon hunters. He was married to Catherine Morgan, who was the daughter of Jacob Morgan, of Hamilton County, and they had ten children, five of whom grew to maturity: John, who resides at Pana, Christian County, Illinois; Mary, deceased, who was the wife of Henry Swartz, of Delaware Township; Rachel, who married Josiah Hill, of Delaware Township; George Albert; and Clara, of Delaware Township. The mother of these children died in 1901, aged 82 years.

George Albert Shuster was reared on the home farm. When but 14 years of age he decided to become a soldier in the Civil War. and being large for his years convinced the recruiting officer that he was eighteen. He was mustered into the Union Army February 4, 1864, and went first with his regiment to Munfordsville, Kentucky. Later he was at Bowling Green, Charleston, Knoxville, Strawberry Plains and Lowden, Tennessee, and received his honorable discharge, August 29, 1865, despite his youth, having served his country faithfully for 19 months and 24 days. Since returning from the war. Mr. Shuster has engaged in cultivating his 50 acres, hay being the principal crop of the farm, and he also keeps nine head of horses and colts. Mr. Shuster is a Democrat in politics, but has never cared to hold office, preferring to give his entire attention to his farming interests. He is acknowledged to be one of Delaware Township's good, practical farmers, and his standing as a citizen in his community is deservedly high.

Mr. Shuster was married to Alvira Stickney, who is the daughter of Hugh Stickney of Union County. Ohio, and 11 children were born to this union: George, who died from decease contracted during the Cuban War; Emma, who is the widow of Michael McCarthy, of Delaware; Margaret, deceased, who was the wife of Sherman Moore; Edward, who lives at home; Catherine, who is the widow of George Home; Frank, who lives in Delaware; Samuel, of Berlin Township; Elizabeth, who is the wife of Howell Thomas, of Columbus; Hugh, of Berlin Township; and Esther and Susan, twins.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



