Ohio Biographies

Henry M. Rogers

Henry M. Rogers, a representative farmer and successful stock-raiser of Genoa Township, residing on his well-improved farm of 136 acres, was born in Genoa Township, Delaware County, Ohio, and is a son of Jeremiah H. and Sarah (Prosser) Rogers.

The Rogers family is of Scotch-Irish extraction. It was the great-grandfather. Bixby Rogers, who came from Pennsylvania to Ohio, as the pioneer of the family and after serving as a soldier in the War of 181 2. in the following year entered land in Delaware County which he cleared and occupied until his death. He married in Pennsylvania and became the father of five sons, two of whom subsequently owned and cleared farms in Genoa Township.

Samuel Rogers, grandfather of Henry M., was born in Pennsylvania, August 26, 1804, and hence was nine years old when he was brought to Delaware County, where the rest of his life was spent. He taught the district school during young manhood and also engaged in farming. He continued to live on the homestead until 1846. when he bought 50 acres of the farm in Genoa Township now owned by his grandson, Henry M., which he cleared and partly improved. In Genoa Township he married Sarah Closson, who was born in Pennsylvania and was a daughter of Daniel Closson, who was born in Pennsylvania, October 19, 1794, and who was a pioneer settler of Genoa Township, to which he came in 1818. He took up a farm which was then covered with timber and which he cleared. He brought with him three children and seven more were born to him in Genoa Township. In 1850 he moved tn Illinois, where he died nine years later. One son, Jeremiah H., was bom to Samuel Rogers and wife. In politics, Samuel Rogers was a Democrat.

Jeremiah H. Rogers was born July 3, 1832, in Genoa Township. He attended the district schools and grew to manhood on his fathers farm. In 1851 he was married in Genoa Township to Sarah Prosser, who was born in Pennsylvania, March 6, 1833. There were nine children born to this union—seven sons and two daughters—namely: George A., William Clark, Charles Daniel, Henry M., Samuel L., John P., Stephen H., Dora J. and Mary L. Like his father and grandfather, he was a stanch supporter of the principles of the Democratic party.

Henry M. Rogers obtained his education in the district schools of Genoa Township. When he was 17 years of age, he left home and from that time on made his own way in the world. He purchased his present farm from his father and has made most of the substantial improvements on the place. He carries on general agriculture and raises quite a large amount of valuable stock.

On March 25, 1883, Mr. Rogers was married to Laura J. Meeker, who was born at Galena, Delaware County, being the second of four daughters of Wickliff C. and Mary L. (Cunningham) Meeker. Mr. Meeker came tu Delaware County in boyhood and was reared by his uncle, Victor Arnold, and learned the tanning business which he followed in connection with farming. He was married a second time and reared seven children by that marriage. When Mrs. Rogers was 13 years old she went to reside in the home of her aunt, Margaret Yates, and she was educated in the schools of Delaware and Galena, and prior to her marriage taught school for two years. She is an intelligent, well-informed lady. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have three children— Leonard G., born June 20, 1884; Edna G., born December 15, 1892; and Monna M., born April 25, 1895. Mr. Rogers and his family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Fraternally he is an Odd Fellow and politically he is active in the Democratic party.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



