Ohio Biographies

William L. Peet

William L. Peet, who has lived retired from active pursuits, in his pleasant home at Richwood, since 1880, still owns his farm of 170 acres, a part of the old Peet homestead, which is situated in Thompson Township. Mr. Peet was born in Delaware County, Ohio, July 8, 1856, and is a son of William J. ami Anna (Welch) Peet.

Mr. Peet is a member of one of the oldest families of New England. His ancestor, John Peet, crossed the Atlantic, from Duffield parish, Derbyshire. England, in the goof ship "Hopewell," in 1635. He died in 1678, aged 81 years. John Peet (2d) married Mary Morehouse in 1696 and they had three daughters and three sons, one of the latter being David Peet, who was born June 30, 1698. He was married to Mary Titherton, October 11, 1719. One of his sons, Samuel Peet, known as a hermit, devoted his life to the study of astronomical science. He married Sarah Wildman. It was probably his brother, Lemuel Peet, who was the great-grandfather of William L. Peet. He died in an old age at the home of his son,Alba Peet, in Berlin Township, Delaware County.

Alba Peet, grandfather of William L., was born in Litchfield County, Connecticut, and from there came to Franklin County, Ohio, accompanied by his father and his own family. This was about 1830, and he settled on a farm within two miles of Worthington, his near neighbor being Ossian Gardner, with whom he later became interested in the manufacture of brick. For 15 years they did an extensive business for the time, and their product was used in the construction of many of the buildings in the heart of the present city of Columbus. Alba Peet resided near Worthington for about 20 years, when he sold his farm there and bought one situated in Berlin Township, four miles east of Delaware. There were 200 acres in this tract, very little of which had yet been cleared. Mr. Peet sold that farm 10 years later, after which he resided at Delaware, where he died in 1879, aged 84 years. He was a man of sterling character, strong in his convictions of right. Politically, he was an old-time Democrat. He was married (first) to Harriet Orton and four of their five children reached manhood, namely: William J.; Ocha (born in 1824, died in 1905), who married David Cronkelton, and left two children—Herman (deceased) and Helen M., who is the widow of Dr. Calvin Welch, of Delaware; and Franklin and Judd, both of whom are deceased. Alba Peet and wife were among the early members of the Methodisl Episcopal Church in this section, and were most worthy people in every particular.

William J. Peet was born in Litchfield County, Connecticut, and was twelve years old when he accompanied his parents to Ohio. He remained at home until he was 21 years old, when he visited a section then seemingly on the western border of civilization—Wisconsin and Minnesota. After living there for eight years, he returned to Delaware, where he was married (first) to Pamela Halley. They had one daughter, Ida. who married a Mr. Thurston and is since deceased.

Just prior to the Civil War. William J. Peet moved to Thompson Township and bought a farm to which he continued to add until he owned 221 acres. There he lived until he removed to Richwood, where he resided for a number of years before his death. In politics he was a Democrat and he took an important part in his township's affairs and served in the offices of trustee and treasurer. He was married (secondly) to Anna Welch, who was a daughter of Hiram Welch and they had three children, two of whom survive—Lester G., residing at Richwood, and William L. William J. Peet married for his third wife, Mrs. Melissa Evans, who still survives, at the age of 90 years.

William L. Peet continued to reside on the old homestead in Thompson Township until 1888, when he moved to Richwood. He married Lida Marriott, who is a daughter of J. P. Marriott, of Richwood, and they have two children: Harry E. born in 1881, and residing in Chicago, and Judd M., born in 1885, who is residing at home. Mrs. Peet is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which Mr. Peet gives liberal support. He was reared politically in the principles of the Democratic party and still votes for its candidates, but is never an active participant in political campaigns.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



