Ohio Biographies

Lester Gilead Peet

Lester Gilead Peet, a representative citizen of Thompson Township, where he is engaged in farming and sheep-raising, was born in Berlin Township, four miles east of Delaware on the Sunbury Pike, June 20, 1855. His parents were William J. and Anna (Welch) Peet, and he is a grandson of Alba Peet, who migrated with his family from Connecticut to Franklin County, Ohio, prior to 1830, settling near Worthington. They resided there about nine years and then came to Berlin Township, Delaware County. Alba Peet's wife was in maidenhood a Miss Orton. Alba Peet removed subsequently to Delaware, where he died in 1876 at the age of 84 years. He and his wife reared three children, namely: Judd, who died in 1862; Orpha, who married David Croncelton and died in Delaware about 1904 at the age of 84 years; and William J., father of the subject of this sketch. Their other children, of whom they had several, died young.

William J. Peet was born in Connecticut and accompanied his parents when they removed to Ohio, he being then about nine years of age. He was brought up to agricultural life and while a resident of Berlin Township he purchased a farm there. This he sold in 1862 and purchased land in Thompson Township, taking up his abode in the house that is now the property of his son Lester. In 1882 he removed to Richwood, where he died in 1886. At the time of his death be owned a farm of 221 acres. He was three times married: First to Penelope Halley. who bore him one daughter, Ida. The latter married a Mr. Thurston, of Knox County, and died subsequently in Paulding County, Ohio. Mr. Peet married, secondly, Anna Welch, who was a daughter of Hiram Welch and a native of Delaware County. Of this union there were three children, namely: Lester Gilead, subject of this article; William L., who resides in Richwood. Union County, Ohio; and Fannie, who died in infancy. William J. Peet's third wife was a widow. Mrs. Melissa Evans. They were married in 1861, and she is still living at the advanced age of 92 years. Mr. Peet removed in 1882 to Richwood, where he died four years later at the age of 69.

Lester G. Peet was educated in the district school, which he attended for some time in Richwood and for about a year in Delaware. He was married in 1882 to Miss Hattie Cone, a daughter of John and Mary (Williams) Cone, and located on the farm which he now owns and cultivates. This union has been blessed by the birth of four children, namely: Mary B., Georgianna, Ralph C, and Stanley, all of whom are residing at home. Stanley, the youngest, being now 18 years old.

In 1899 Mr. and Mrs. Peet removed to Richwood in order that their children might have the advantage of the superior schools there. Mr. Peet goes out daily to his farm which comprises 250 acres and which he has improved considerably since it came into his possession. Besides carrying on agriculture, he feeds Western Iambs for the market. He is a member of the Rising Sun Lodge, No. 72. K. of P., at Richwood, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church in that place. He is a Democrat politically and has served as township clerk and trustee and is now a member of the School Board. A good, practical farmer, he is one of the successful men of the township, of which he and his wife are among the most respected residents.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



