Ohio Biographies

John E. Pugh

John E. Pugh, a general farmer of Radnor Township, where he owns 113 acres of excellent land, was born in Delaware, Ohio, February 21, 1860, and is a son of George and Ellen (Williams) Pugh.

The father of Mr. Pugh was born January 1, 1818, in Wales, where he lived until 23 years of age. He then came to America and settled in Ohio, securing employment as a blacksmith with E. R. Thompson, at Delaware. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California and spent some time in gold-seeking, but soon found that he could make more by working steadily at his trade than by mining. He found plenty of blacksmith work to do in California and remained there until 1853. conducting a shop of his own. He then returned to Delaware and entered into partnership with J. J. Davis, under the firm name of Davis & Pugh. This partnership was continued for six years, but after 1859 Mr. Pugh worked, alone. About this time he came to Radnor and bought 75 acres of the farm on which his son John E. now lives, which he cultivated lor the rest of his active years. He died February 2, 1891. In politics he was a Republican. At the time of his death he had been an Odd Fellow for 45 years, having- been initiated in Lodge No. 9, at Columbus. He was a member of Olentangy Lodge, of Delaware, of which he was past grand, and was also past chief patriarch of the Encampment.

George Pugh was twice married, first, November 14, 1842. to Jane Thomas, a daughter of William and .Margaret Thomas. They had two children. Elizabeth and William T., the latter of whom now resides at Oleathe, Kansas. The former, Elizabeth, married Humphrey Griffiths, of Radnor, but is now deceased. Mr. Pugh was married, secondly, March 13, 1857. to Mrs. Ellen (Williams) Jones, and of this marriage John E. Pugh, of Radnor Township, is the only surviving child. Mrs. Pugh was born in Wales, in October, 1828, and .accompanied her parents to America in 1840. She was married, first, to Thomas Jones, who was born in Wales and resided until death at Columbus, Ohio. He left one child, Mary A., who married D. D. Williams, residing in Troy Township, Delaware County. Mrs. Pugh died July 27, 1888.

John E. Pugh was reared in Radnor Township and attended the public schools during boyhood, beginning to assist his father as soon as he was old enough. He succeeded to the possession of the homestead farm, and to the original acreage has added until he now owns 113 acres, on which he carries on general farming and stock-raising. His main crops are wheat and hay. He has been very successful in raising an excellent grade of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. The grounds which surround his line home, which stands near the village of Radnor, show careful cultivation and an appreciation of the beautiful in nature. A general air of thrift and prosperity marks the whole place.

February 11. 1891, Mr. Pugh married Lizzie A. Williams, a daughter of W. W. and Eliza R. Williams, residents of Troy Township. He and his wife are the parents of three children, namely: Ellen Williams, bom May 30, 1894; George Lewis, born January 24, 1897; and Mary Barre. born October 7, 1904. Mrs. Pugh is a member of the Baptist Church and Mr. Pugh is a Congregationalist in religion. He is in no sense a politician, but is identified with the Republican party. Fraternally, he is an Odd Fellow, belonging to the lodge at Radnor, in which he has held official position. He is known and respeced as a useful and public-spirited citizen.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



