Ohio Biographies

John Washington Nash

john nashJohn Washington Nash, who was, for many years, one of Delaware County's substantial men and honorable and upright citizens, acquired and left intact a valuable farm of 148 acres, situated in Berkshire Township, and adjoining the city of Galena, on the west. Mr. Nash was a Virginian and was born in the capital city of Richmond, September 14, 1817, son of John W. and Martha (Green) Nash. His grandparents were natives of England.

The parents of Mr. Nash both died when he was about 10 years of age, but he continued for about seven years longer to reside at Richmond, and then accompanied a family named Shaffer, to Delaware County. For some time he continued to live with this family, and assisted them in getting settled. but later engaged in farm work throughout Delaware County. After his marriage, in 1841. he rented a farm for one year and then bought what was known as the Williams farm, containing 148 acres. This property he always retained and continued to improve it as long as he lived. He also acquired other farms and became known as a capitalist and financier. He owned stock and was a member of the Board of Directors of both the Sunbury and Westerville banks. During the larger part of his life he was engaged in general farming and stock-raising. Mr. Nash was a man of exemplary life and he was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. At various times and when his fellow citizens demanded it. he accepted the duties of public office, and he ever proved a faithful, efficient and valuable official. In his political views he was a Democrat.

On September 21, 1841, Mr. Nash was married to Sarah Ann Rose, who was born near Galena. Ohio, February 20, 1820, and who died July 9, 1897, surviving her husband from March 30, 1893. She was a daughter of James and Elizabeth (Slosson) Rose, who were natives of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Nash had four children, two of whom died in infancy. The two daughters who reached maturity were Ann Eliza and Mary Oliver. The former was born February 27, 1845, and married Samuel Fancher. She died August 21, 1898, and was laid to rest in Grundy County, Illinois.

Miss Mary Oliver Nash was born on the old home place, in the old log house, July 25, 1850. In 1855 her father built the present frame residence, a commodious structure of ten rooms, and he made all the other improvements which have served to increase its value. Miss Nash rents the farm of 148 acres, it being her own property. She is interested also in several local enterprises, owning stock which has proved excellent as an investment. Miss Nash was educated at Galena and completed the High School course there. She is a valued member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Galena, with which she has been identified since 1866.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



