William W. McKenzie
William W. McKenzie, president of the McKenzie Lumber Company, at Delaware, has been a resident of this city since 1897. He was born in Scotland in 1870, and was 14 years of age when he came to America. Mr. McKenzie completed his education at Tiffin, Ohio, and was then engaged for about 10 years in getting out timber for the manufacture of section rods, being located at Bloomville during this time. Later he went to West Mansfield, where he carried on a lumber business for four years, and then came to Delaware, where the lumber firm of McKenzie & Thompson was established. Subsequently, Mr. McKenzie bought Mr. Thompson's interest and established the McKenzie Lumber Company, of which he is president. The company does business on Easl Winter Street, and they operate a planing and a saw-mill together with a rod factory, doing both a retail and wholesale business. Mr. McKenzie is also president of the Chaseland Building Company and is a large owner of valuable real estate in this section.
In June, 1900, Mr. McKenzie was married to Rachel B. Colber, and they have three children—Marguerite, Frances Marie and Mary Olive. The family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. McKenzie's fraternal connections include membership in the Odd Fellows and the Masons. In the latter organization he belongs to the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council, at Delaware, the Commandery at Marion, and the Shrine at Columbus
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908