Ohio Biographies

Samuel B. Myers

Samuel B. Myers, who was elected in 1907, for the third time, a justice of the peace in Ostrander, was born in Mill Creek Township, Union County, Ohio, November 30, 1850, and is a son of Christian and Hannah (Graham) Myers. The grandfather of Mr. Myers reared his family in Pennsylvania, and when his son Christian was small he left home to fight the Indians and never returned.

Christian Myers was born in 1809, and he accompanied his mother when she came to Mill Creek Township, Union County, Ohio, where she subsequently married Asa Robinson. Christian remained on his step-father's farm until his marriage, when he bought the farm which his son Samuel B. still owns but does not operate himself. Although entirely self-educated. Christian Myers was a man of much importance in his community and commanded the respect of his fellow citizens. He was a justice of the peace for many years and was associate judge for some time. His activities were designed to promote the general welfare and to raise his community to a higher plane. He was particularly active in the Christian Church and often occupied its pulpit, his exemplary life making his appeals listened to with a large measure of resultant good. He died in March, 1861, his loss being deeplv regretted throughout the community. His wife, Hannah, who was born in the State of New York, was a daughter of George Graham, a native of England.

Samuel B. Myers was the youngest of his parent's family of twelve children and is now the only survivor. He was reared and educated in his native township and remained on the home farm until the fall of 1887, when he came to Ostrander, which thriving town has been his home ever since. He has been largely interested in lumbering, and at one time owned a saw mill. He buys standing timber and manufactures lumber, which he ships to all sections. He was early enlisted into the ranks of the Democratic party, and has always taken an interest in public matters. He has served for twelve years as a member of the Town Council and has been township assessor.

In 1872, Mr. Myers was married to Mary A. Bean, who was born in Scioto Township, Delaware County, and is a daughter of Hiram Bean, and a granddaughter of George Bean, who came to this section with James Liggett, and Solomon Carr, in 1817, from Hardy County, Virginia. These three pioneers together bought 600 acres of land in Scioto Township, which was later amicably divided. George Bean had 200 acres, and he carried on farming and stock-raising, becoming a man of prominence in his locality, and being foremosl in promoting the civilizing agencies of the time. He married Susie Carr and they had seven children, of whom Hiram was the third in order of birth.

Hiram Bean was born in Scioto Township and lived on the home place until 1860, when be moved to the north of Ostrander and bought an interest in the Lawrence place. He died in 1864, aged forty-seven years, He married (first) a daughter of Abel Tanner, who died in 1845. leaving three children—George H., residing in California, Mrs. Julia Cowles, and Jesse. He married (secondly) Eleanor Lawrence, a daughter of Joseph and Nancy (Cochran) Lawrence. Van Emmon, a resident of California, and Mrs. Myers are the survivors of their three children.

Mr. and Mrs. Myers have had six children, the three who survive being the following: May who married Joseph T. Richey, of Dover Township, Union County, Ohio; Florence, who married George Lowe, of Leesburg, Union County: and Dana, residing at home. Mrs. Myers is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Myers' fraternal connections include membership in Edinburg Lodge, No. 467, Odd Fellows, of which he is past grand; and Ostrander Lodge, No. 348. Knights of Pythias, of which he is past chancellor. Mrs. Myers is a member of the auxiliary order of Rebekahs, in which she has held official position.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens by James R. Lytle



