Ohio Biographies

Rodney D. McGonigle

Rodney D. McGonigle, one of the best-known residents of Oxford Township, extensively engaged in general farming and stock-raising, making specialties of French draft horses, Shorthorn cattle and American Merino and Delaine sheep, has been a life-long resident here, having been born on his present farm February 24. 1848. He is a son of Robert Jones and Almira (Foust) McGonigle, and a grandson of Joseph McGonigle.

Joseph McGonigle came to America from Ireland when a young man and located in Virginia. He served through the War of 1812, and subsequently while in the Indian War, passed through the part of Ohio which was later to become his home. Upon settling in Ohio he first located in Ross County, but a few years later, in 1825, he came to Oxford Township, in Delaware County, where he purchased 200 acres of unimproved land. He first built a log house of the pioneer type, and set about clearing the place. Some years later he erected a more substantial house and lived in it the remainder of his days. He was a man of fair education for those days and for a time taught school. While a resident of Virginia, he was joined in marriage with Elizabeth Jones, who was born in that State and came of one of the first families of Virginia.

Robert J. McGonigle was horn in Virginia, January 6, 1817, and was very young, when his parents came to Ohio. Here he grew to maturity, living with his people until alter his marriage when he built a house on the same farm where his son Rodney D. now lives. He followed farming throughout his entire life, dying on the home place, April 8, 1892. His wife, Almira Foust, was born in Oxford Township, December 28, 1819. and they were parents of the following children: Chauncey H, deceased, lived in this township; Mary died in young womanhood; Elizabeth died aged about six years; Sidney died aged three years ; Rodney D.; and Joseph A., living in Olympia, Washington.

Robert J. McGonigle was a justice of the peace for some years. Rodney D. McGonigle was reared on the home place and received his educational training in the public schools. He has followed agricultural pursuits entirely and has made a specialty of stockraising. In 1904 he began growing American Merino sheep, purchasing from some of the best-known breeders in the United States. He has met with success and is establishing quite a reputation, having taken prizes at the State fairs in Ohio, Virginia, Illinois, Michigan and New York. He has made many sales at big prices and has shipped to Texas, New Mexico and Idaho, as well as to States nearer home. He is a stockholder and director in the Farmers Savings Bank at Ashley. Mr. McGonigle is one of the foremost men of the township, enterprising and public-spirited, and is held in highest esteem by his fellow citizens.

September 4. 1870, be was joined in marriage with Miss Ella G. Cline, who was born in Marlborough Township. Delaware County, and is a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Downing) Cline, pioneers of that vicinity. Seven children were born to them: Maude, born December 24, 1871, is the wife of Charles H. Bell and has two children, Walter and Rodney; Murray B., a physician, bom September 12, 1873, married Persis Scheble and has two children. Ruth and Mary; Mary, born August 22, 1875, married Orrie Jeffrey and they have two children, Lorain and Ellen; Myra, born April 11. 1878. married Dallas Coleman, and they have one son, Day; Robert Mart, born December 25, 1880; Tod Cline, born June 16, 1882; and Walden, born June 3, 1884, died October 11. 1884. Mr. McGonigle is a Democrat in politics and has served six years as township trustee. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He belongs to the Masonic Lodge at Ashley, and to the Patrons of Husbandry.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



