Meredith Meredith
Meredith Meredith, who is serving his second term as county commissioner of Delaware County, resides on his excellent farm of 120 acres, which is situated in Radnor Township, where he has carried on farming and stock-raising, since 1870, and is engaged in the manufacture of Radnor White Lime. Mr. Meredith was born in December, 1846, in South Wales, and is a son of William and Anna Meredith, who spent their lives in that country.
Meredith Meredith acquired a fair education as he was growing to man's estate, in his native country, where he remained until after his marriage and the birth of one child, when he came to America, accompanied by his family. Reaching Marion, Ohio, early in 1868, he remained there until the following May, when he settled in Radnor Township, Delaware County. Since taking up his residence in this county, Mr. Meredith has proved his good citizenship; through industry and perseverance he has acquired valuable property, and by honesty, intelligence and public spirit, has secured the confidence and esteem not only of his neighbors, but of the inhabitants of the county in general. He has creditably filled a number of local offices and his re-election to a second term as county commissioner is proof that he made a satisfactory record during his first incumbency of that office.
Mr. Meredith was married in Wales to Gwenny Rees, and they have had nine children, seven of whom are still living, namely: Maria M.; Annie Rachel, who married William Disbennett, the well-known tile manufacturer, at Radnor Station; Daniel, residing at Radnor; Mary, who married William Lugger, and resides in Delaware; Sadie, and Edward. The two deceased are William and Elizabeth. Mr. Meredith and family belong to the Congregational Church. He is a member of Radnor Lodge, No. 250, Odd Fellows, at Radnor.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908