John J. Miller
John J. Miller, a progressive farmer of Delaware Township, residing on his valuable farm of 75 acres, was born in Baden, Germany, October 25, 1845, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Wightman) Miller. The father of Mr. Miller died in Germany, after which his mother came to America, where two of her sisters and a brother had already settled. She located for a few years in Franklin Township and then moved to Delaware Township.
John J. Miller spent the larger part of his boyhood with his uncle, Warner Marquette, of Liberty Township, where he was given school advantages. When the Civil War broke out he was assisting on the farm. He enlisted in Company E, Second Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery, and was stationed in Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.
After he returned from the army. Mr. Miller rented land for several years, after which he bought about 50 acres in Delaware Township, which, added to 25 acres inherited by his wife, makes a compact farm, large enough for easy handling, and here Mr. Miller has earned on general farming and stock-raising. He cultivates about 60 acres of his land, raising corn, oats, wheat and hay, and as he believes in using fertilizer, he has good crops when many others fail. He keeps seven head of cattle, makes high grade butter, has 25 head of thoroughbred Duroc hogs and pays considerable attention to poultry.
Mr. Miller married Mary Elizabeth Lindner, who is a daughter of Frederick G. Lindner, of Delaware Township, and they have had nine children, the four who grew to maturity being: Frank, is married, resides at Delaware; Harry, also married, resides in Delaware; Katherine, who married George W. Owen, of Delaware Township; and Ellsworth, who resides at home. Mrs. Miller is a member of the Lutheran Church. Formerly Mr. Miller was identified with the Democratic party, but he has been a Republican since the second administration of President Cleveland. He is no seeker for office, but always takes an active interest in electing those who have records as good citizens. He is an intelligent, well-informed man and has adopted modern methods of agriculture, his land showing the results of his care. He built the present comfortable residence.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908