John J. Miller
John J. Miller, a representative agriculturist of Marlborough Township, whose well-cultivated farm of 72 acres testifies to the intelligent care given it, is a well-known and highly respected resident of this section. He was born January 23, 1849, in Marion County, Ohio, and is a son of John and Sarah (Patterson) Miller.
The father of Mr. Miller was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, and the mother in Pennsylvania. The paternal grandfather was Jacob Miller, a native of Virginia, and an early settler in Waldo Township, Marion County, where he left a family. John Miller lived in Marion County for a long period. He married Sarah Patterson and five of their children still survive, John J. being the only one residing in Delaware County.
John J. Miller was reared in Waldo Township, Marion County, and obtained his education in the district schools. He has been a farmer ever since early manhood and from youth has been accustomed to an agricultural life, almost from that time having made his own way in the world. Through perseverance and industry, Mr. Miller acquired property and resided in Troy Township for a number of years prior to 1885, when he settled on his present farm in Marlborough Township.
On December 25, 1870, Mr. Miller was married to Susan Ashhrook. who was born in Delaware County, and is a daughter of Solomon Ashhrook, a former prominent resident of Troy Township, who died in September, 1894. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had six children, of whom one is deceased, the five survivors being: Charles, residing on the home farm; William, a resident of Troy Township; Alice, who is the widow of the late Oliver Clark, of Marlborough Township, and resides in Troy Township; Carrie, who married Clifford Sherman, residing in Morrow County; and Lulu, residing in Marion County. Mr. Miller's son Charles married Ida B. Young of Marion County. Both he and his father are stanch Republicans. Mr. Miller is a deacon in the Baptist Church and formerly served as one of its trustees.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908