Jacob A. Miller
Jacob A. Miller, formerly a well-known farmer and highly respected citizen of Delaware Township, was born in this township in 1830, and spent his entire life on the home farm of 100 acres, on which he died October 3, 1881.
On September 13, 1864, Mr. Miller was married to Josephine Eury, who is a daughter of Jesse M. and Mary (Kline) Eury, and a granddaughter of Samuel and Sarah Eury, who were farming people of Unionville, Maryland. Jesse M. Eury was born near Unionville, Frederick County, Maryland, March 25, 1813, and died December 21, 1890. He received a common school education, and early in life learned the trade of miller, at which he became an expert, for many years being a flour inspector at Baltimore. He made his way to Delaware, Ohio, on horseback, and followed milling here for several years, but finding that it did not agree with his health, he embarked in agricultural pursuits, settling in 1842 on a property about three miles south of Delaware. Later he removed to the Columbus Pike, but subsequently sold his property here and located on the Liberty Road, where he resided until his death, being engaged in farming and stock-raising. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his political views were those of the Democratic party. On March 28, 1839, Mr. Eury was married to Mary Kline, who was a daughter of Michael Kline, of Berks County, Pennsylvania, and they had one child—Josephine.
Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Miller has capably managed the home farm of 100 acres, about one-half of which is under cultivation, and raises large crops of corn, wheat and hay, also giving some attention to cattle raising. When Mr. and Mrs. Miller first located on this property the buildings were in very had condition, but in 1905 Mrs. Miller remodelled the house, having previously erected new outbuildings which had been destroyed by fire. Mrs. Miller is a faithful member of the German Reformed Church.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908