Coridon McAllister
Coridon McAllister, whose large and well-kept farm is situated in Thompson Township, resides in a comfortable home at Richwood, which he has occupied for the past six years. He was born near Sunbury, in Trenton Township, Delaware County, Ohio, November 13, 1851, and is a son of Jesse N. and Emily (Gildersleeve) McAllister.
Mr. McAllister is of Irish-Scotch ancestry. His grandfather. Abdul McAllister, was born in Pennsylvania and was one of the pioneers of Delaware County. Jesse N. McAllister was born also in Pennsylvania and was 11 years old when he accompanied his parents to Trenton Township, Delaware County, where he was reared and where he subsequently married. When his son Coridon was two years old he moved to Thompson Township, where he bought a farm of 72 acres, on which he lived until within 18 or 20 years of his death, when he moved to Claybourne Township, in Union County, where he owned two farms. He died August 3, 1901, in his 81st year. In politics he was a Republican and he served as trustee of Thompson Township. Of his three children, two grew to maturity, namely: Coridon and Henrietta, the latter of whom married George Hancock of Richwood.
From the age of two years until 1882, Coridon McAllister lived in Thompson Township. He then spent one year at Richwood and then moved back on the farm, where he remained until 1900, when he moved to Delaware, for two years, but later returned to Richwood. Mr. McAllister makes a specialty of sheep-feeding on his large farm of 450 acres, 400 of which he has under cultivation. He buys in the fall, feeds and sells in the spring, his dealings reaching from 1,200 to 1300 head. He has a sheep barn with dimensions of 52 by 120 feet with 18-foot posts, which he built in 1893. and another barn 44 by 84 with 25-foot posts, and this barn has a wing 24 by 48 feet, and he has a 300-ton silo. He also feeds some cattle and hogs and grows corn, hay and wheat.
Mr. McAllister married Jennie E. Adams, who is a daughter of Simeon and Elizabeth Adams, of Richwood. They have a family of six children, as follows: Margaret, who is a teacher in the Akron. Ohio, public schools; John, residing at Richwood; Frederick, residing at Delaware; Leah, who is a student in the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware; and Timothy and Helen, at home. Mrs. McAllister is a member of the Presbyterian Church, to which Mr. McAllister gives liberal support. He is a man of public spirit and good citizenship.
20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908