Albert C. Miller
Albert C. Miller, one of the leading lumbermen of Delaware County, who operates a large saw-mill on West Lincoln Street, Delaware, was born in this city in 1872, and is a son of Nathan and Mary (Fry) Miller. The father of Mr. Miller was born in 1835, and until he retired from active industrial life, was engaged in farming. He married Mary Fry and they had three sons, namely: Raymond N., residing at home; F. Ernest, who is engaged in farming; and Albert C. Nathan Miller died August 14, 1907. Mrs. Miller resides in Delaware.
Albert C. Miller secured a good common school education and then turned his attention to farming for a few years, after which he became interested in lumbering. It is his practice to purchase desirable timber tracts and manufacture the timber into lumber, and in 1904 he established his present mill at Delaware, He does a large and constantly increasing business. In 1897, Mr. Miller was married to Anna Bryson and they have a pleasant home at Delaware. Mr. Miller is a member of the Odd Fellows.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908