Ohio Biographies

Thomas W. Lea

Thomas W. Lea, a well-known resident of Oxford Township, lives on his improved farm of 180 acres two miles south of the village of Ashley. He is a native of Porter Township, Delaware County, where he was born November 10, 1853, and is a son of Benjamin and Nancy (Wigton) Lea.

Benjamin Lea was born January 9, 1807. in the parish of Kidderminster, County of Worcester, England, and was a son of Jacob and Mary Lea, both of whom were born in England, the former, September 18, 1773, the latter, January 9, 1775, and neither came to this country. Benjamin was reared in England and at the age of nine years became a weaver of Brussels and other kinds of carpet. He was an expert at that work. following it successfully for some 18 years in New York City after coming to America. He served one year and four months in the British Army and his father then purchased his release. He was married to Thurza Holmes, March 19, 1832, and immediately after came to the United States, landing in New York with just $5.00 in his pocket. There he followed his trade as mentioned, prospered and became the owner of a home. In 1847 he came west to Delaware County, Ohio, purchasing a farm of 80 acres in Porter Township, and in 1854 traded that property for 100 acres in Oxford Township, the most of which was timberland. Although the railroad ran less than a quarter of a mile from the farm, at only one place could a glimpse of a passing train be had, so heavy was the growth of timber. Mr. Lea lived on this place until his death. February 16, 1888. Religiously he was a member of the Presbyterian Church. By his first wife he had six children: Mary Thurza, born August 11, 1833. died young; George, born March 14. 1836, lives at Mt. Vernon, Ohio: William H., born January 23, 1838, is deceased; John D.. born February, 1839, is deceased; Charles, born December 1, 1842, is deceased; and Thurza Ann. who was the wife of W. W. Hill, was born October 11, 1844, and died in 1906. After the death of his first wife at an early age. Mr. Lea formed a second union in New York City with Mary Ann Allison, who died leaving one son. Alexander, now deceased, who was born January 11, 1848. His third marriage was with Nancy Wigton, who was bom July 18, 1817. and was a daughter of Rev. Thomas Wigton. who crossed the Allegheny Mountains in a wagon on his way from Pennsylvania to Delaware County, Ohio He located first in Kingston Township, and later in Berkshire Township on a farm now owned by a grandson. He was a hardy old pioneer, who was the father of 14 children, all of whom but one he survived, dying at the age of 99 years. Mrs. Lea died October 4, 1891, after giving life to two children: Thomas W.; and Crania Adell, the latter of whom was born December 20,1854. and died in April, 1885. She was the wife of Edward Whipple, of Oxford Township.

Thomas W. Lea was reared on the farm on which he now lives and received his educational training in the schools of this vicinity. He assisted in clearing the home farm, also in tilling it, and has always lived here and engaged in general farming. Upon his father's death he bought the interests of the other heirs, and to the original farm has added 80 acres. He is one of the substantial men of the community, and is held in highest esteem.

October 29, 1876, Mr. Lea was joined in marriage with Elizabeth Slack, who was born in Oxford Township, December 9, 1857, and is a daughter of Seth and Sarah (Dodd) Slack, concerning whom may be found facts in another part of the work. Seven children were the issue resulting from this union: Wellie E., born November 22, 1877, married Lillian Shoemaker and has two children, Kenneth and Margaretta; Harry L., born July 5. 1879, married Clara Bell and has two children, Merle and Robert E.; a babe born May 1, 1881, died unnamed; Orton G., born September 5, 1882, is attending Ohio Wesleyan University; Ross E., born October 4. 1884; Una E. born February 11, 1887; Walter T., born May 27, 1889; and Lloyd H., born November 19, 1893.

Mr. Lea is a Republican in politics, and served as a member of the School Board 21 years, aIso as township assessor. He served as township trustee several terms, receiving the three-year term on his first election as a result or having the largest number of votes. Fraternally, he is a member of the Masons. Odd Fellows, and Knights of Pythias. Mrs. Lea is a member of the Rebekah Lodge Pythian Sisters.


20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



