Ohio Biographies

Gilbert W. Laird

Gilbert W. Laird, general farmer. residing on his valuable estate of 166 acres, which is situated in Scioto Township, was born May 17, 1846, in Oxford Township, Butler County, Ohio, and is a son of Henry Wolcott and Susanna Martin (Brown) Laird.

Tracing the Laird family as far back as the grandfather of Gilbert W., who was Glover Laird, it is found that he was born in the city of Glasgow, Scotland, where he was probably educated well and before he came to America learned the trade of shoemaker, a valuable one in the section in which he subsequently settled. He was married (first) to a Miss Wolcott, who was born in Vermont, and they started west as pioneers, he purchasing a farm in Michigan, from the government. Glover Laird was residing in St. Joseph County when the government shipped the Indians from Detroit across the river. He built a log cabin on his land and lived in it until be was ready to build a substantial frame house. He reared a large family by his first marriage, no children being born of bis second union. He was first a Whig in politics, and later a Republican, and he was connected with the Free Masons, which, in those early days, was a very strong bond.

Henry Wolcott Laird was bum in Notaway Township, St. Joseph County, Michigan, in 1812. and died October 1, 1881. He was a seIf-educated man. like many of the leading men of our land, studying at night by the light of the fireplace and working by day as a carpenter and house painter. When his mother died he bought the home farm and lived there through the remainder of his life. His wife Susanna, was a daughter of William Brown, who was once a slave-owner in Maryland, where she was born, and who subsequently gave his slaves their freedom and moved to Ohio. Mrs. Laird lived to be more than 86 years old, her death taking place May 11, 1903. During her long life she remained a true gentle woman, having come from a distinguished ancestry which included the Webster family of New England. Although conditions in Michigan, in 1852, after she had accompanied her husband there, prevented the habit of lavish hospitality that came to her almost as an inheritance, she made welcome all who came to her home and until the close of her life turned a ready ear to every one in sorrow, distress or need. She became the beloved and honored mother of nine children, seven of whom grew to maturity, namely: William Henry, residing at Sandusky; George C., residing at Menden, Michigan; Gilbert W., a resident of Scioto Township, Delaware County, Ohio; James M., residing at Vicksburg, Michigan; John Marion, who resides at Menden, Michigan; Charles W., who resides at Leesburg, Union County, Ohio; and Caroline, who married William Reinhardt, residing at Sandusky. Henry W. Laird was prominent in Michigan political life, was a great campaign speaker, and on one occasion was the chosen candidate of his party for the State Assembly. He belonged to the Masonic lodge at Centerville, Michigan.

Gilbert W. Laird was eight years old when bis parents moved to Michigan. He attended school in St. Joseph County and continued on the home farm until 1878, when he purchased his present land. He engages here in general farming and stock raising and uses for feed all the grain he grows with the exception of wheat.

On December 12, 1878, Mr. Laird was married to Maggie K. Bird, who is a daughter of Oliver Terry Bird, a leading citizen of Scioto Township. Mr. and Mrs. Laird have had four children, namely: Myrtle M., is now deceased; Merle M., who married B. M. Huff, residing at Massillon, Ohio; and Maude B. and Claude C, who are twins. Mr. Laird is a member of the Christian Union Church and is active in benevolent work. In politics, Mr. Laird is identified with the Republican party, but has no political ambition. He performs all the ordinary duties of a good citizen, but has always declined to accept public office.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



