Ohio Biographies

Thomas Jones

Thomas Jones, for many years one of the best known, and at the time of his death, February 18, 1908, one of the oldest residents in Delaware County, Ohio, resided on the Alderbrook farm in Delaware Township. He was born July 29, 1823, in Breconshire, Wales, and is a son of William and Gwen (Williams) Jones,

William Jones was also a native of Breconshire, Wales, from which country he came to America with his wife and five children in 1832, settling at Columbus. Here Thomas Jones resided until 17 or 18 years of age, at which time he learned the saddler and harnessmaker's trade, and then went to Worthington, where he remained for a few years. Mr. Jones then entered into business lor himself on the Darby Plains, but after his marriage here he engaged in farming and in raising sheep and Percheron horses, being the pioneer in this industry in the State. In 1879 he located on his present farm, which he had purchased several years previously, and here he continued to operate until 1899, when he retired from active pursuits, the responsibility of management being undertaken by his daughter, Miss Winifred. The farm, a tract of 70 acres, about 20 of which are under cultivation, is one of the finest of its size in the township, and on it a large barn was erected in 1904. About 1884 Mr. Jones imported some Welsh ponies to America, and he has since continued to breed this stock, usually having about 14 on hand. He has also bred Shetland ponies and Percheron horses, and has given much attention to cattle and sheep raising.

Mr. Jones was married to Mariam Newton, who was born near Plain City, Ohio, daughter of Albert Newton, who removed from New York State, where he was a farmer, to Darby Plains, Ohio. He married Harriet McCloud, a native of Connecticut and sister of Dr. McCloud, a member of the Legislature and Constitutional Convention of Ohio. Mrs. Mariam Jones died in April, 1903, aged nearly 79 years, in the faith oi the Methodist Episcopal Church, having been the mother of six children, of whom five grew to maturity. These were as follows: Harriet, now deceased, who was the wife of J. D. Jones, M. D., of Cleveland; Charles M., who conducts the old homestead at Plain City; Albert N., who also resides at Plain City; Ellsworth E., of Los Angeles, Cal.; and Winifred, who resides with her father and conducts the home farm.

Mr. Jones was formerly a Whig, and is now connected with the Democratic party, Although not a politician, he served as trustee of Darby. From his youth up Mr. Jones was a member of the M. E. Church. He was made a Free Mason at Plain City. During his long and useful life he has seen many changes come over this section. At the time he first located in Columbus, it was such a small place that he was personally acquainted with every one that lived there, and often as a lad he played ball where the State House now stands. He is a man of much energy and many progressive ideas, and deserves the esteem in which he is held by his fellow-townsmen.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



