Ohio Biographies

William M. Humphreys

William M. Humphreys, general farmer and representative citizen of Radnor Township, Delaware County, Ohio, was born on the homestead where he lives, July 14. 1859, and is a son of Morris and Margaret Elizabeth (Wasson) Humphreys.

The Humphreys family was established in Radnor Township as early as 1818, by John Humphreys, the grandfather, who was a pioneer in this section. He was a native of Llangadran, Montgomeryshire. North Wales, from which country he came to America and settled in Delaware County, Ohio, where his descendants have since been representative citizens. In April. 1825, he married Elizabeth Chidlaw, who was a sister of Rev. Benjamin W. Chidlaw. She died October 27, 1830. John Humphreys died at Cincinnati, December 9, 1873, and is buried in the Radnor cemetery. He had three children: Ann, Benjamin Chidlaw and Morris. His farm of 100 acres was swamp and timber land and thus he had the double task of draining as well as clearing the property. He served as one of the first township trustees.

Morris Humphreys was born in Radnor Township and he spent his whole life on the farm on which his father had settled. He died August 23, 1899, having been born June 26, 1829. On April 3, 1851, he was married to Margaret E. Wasson, who died January 21, 1895. She was a daughter of William M. and Lucy (Minter) Wasson. They had the following children: Lucy Elizabeth, born January 17, 1853, married Benjamin Davids, of Radnor Township; John Wasson, who was born December 29, 1854, resides at Prospect, Ohio; Margaret Ann, born December 29, 1856, married John L. Ransome, who resides two miles north of Prospect; William McVey; Mary Arcena, born December 25, 1861, married John B. Davis; Harriet Louise, born July 29, 1864, married Eugene J. Young, and they reside in Pleasant Township, Marion County; Benjamin Chidlaw, born December 9, 1866, resides at Richwood; and Morris James, who died in infancy. Morris Humphreys and wife were members of the Presbyterian Church, of which he was a trustee.

The maternal ancestors of William M. Humphreys, the Wassons, were of Scotch-Irish extraction. Prior to the Revolutionary War three of the name, Thomas, James and Elizabeth, came to America, where they subsequently became separated. Elizabeth becoming the wife of an officer in the Patriot army. Her brothers never heard more concerning her. James went to Missouri and he also became lost to Thomas, who was the maternal grandfather of Mr. Humphreys. Thomas served through the entire period of the Revolutionary War and at its close he settled in Pennsylvania, where he married Margaret McCleland, who was also of Scotch-Irish ancestry. They lived in the Conococheague Valley, in Pennsylvania until the death of Thomas, after which, when the youngest son became of age, the homestead was sold and a part of the family moved to Path Valley, Pennsylvania. They had children; John, James, William, Elizabeth, William McCleland, Robert Thomas and Mains.

William McCleland Wrasson was a quartermaster during the War of 1812 and after its close he settled at Dayton, Ohio, for a short time and then returned to Pennsylvania to search for his mother and brothers. He found that they also had gone to Ohio and became established in Radnor Township, Delaware County, and here be joined them. He was born April 28, 1790, and was married to Lucy Minter on April 3, 1828. She was born September 3, 1799, and died August 30, 1864. They had seven children, the mother of Mr. Humphreys being the first born. William M. Wasson and wife lived on the farm now owned by Charles Gallant, in Radnor Township, where Mr. Wasson died when his oldest child was 14 years of age. His widow was a very capable, energetic woman. She reared her children carefully, gave them educational opportunities and four of them became teachers.

William McVey Humphreys has always lived on the old homestead in Radnor Township. The line two-story brick house was built by his father, in 1865, the material for its construction having been made on the place. The brick used in the building of the Baptist Church at Radnor as well as other buildings on the farm, were burned in the same place. Mr. Humphreys like his father, has carried on many industries here, making himself independent of outside help, to a large degree. He adopts business methods in operating his farm and has prospered accordingly. Formerly he raised many Percheron horses and now raises sheep, cattle and hogs, together with the grains which do well in this section.

On January 14, 1891, Mr. Humphreys was married to Martha Davies, who is a daughter of John B. and Mary Davies. Mrs. Humphreys was born in Blaina, Monmouthshire. South Wales, April 20, 1863. They have had three children, namely: Walter John, born April 13, 1892; Mary Elizabeth, born December 3, 1899; and Margaret Ann. born June 25, 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys are members of the Congregational Church, in which he is a deacon.

During the closing years of her life, the mother of Mr. Humphreys was an invalid and to ease many weary hours she occupied herself in compiling a family record which she subsequently published. To this memorial ot her patience and family pride, the present bographer is indebted.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



