Ohio Biographies

William Harris, A.B.

William Harris, A.B., a leading citizen of Ostrander, is cashier of the Ostrander Banking Company and is identified with oither successful enterprises of this section. Mr. Harris was born at Victoria, in Monmouthshire. Wales, November 22, 1870, and is a son of Edwin M. and Elizabeth (Watkins) Harris.

Victoria, the birthplace of Mr. Harris, has been the family home for generations. The grandfather was a sailor and like many others who have followed the sea, made one voyage from which he never returned. Edwin M. Harris was born in 1840 and was a child when his father was lost. He learned the trade of molder. which he followed in his own country until 1880, when he came to America and resumed work at his trade in Cleveland, Ohio, which he has but recently given up. He is a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters, having joined the order in Wales. He married Elizabeth Watkins and they have three surviving children: William, residing at Ostrander; Cyrus M., residing at Cleveland; and Elizabeth, who married John Mosely, residing at Cleveland. The family was reared in the Congregational Church.

William Harris was ten years old when his parents came to America. He was educated in the public schools of Cleveland and at Hiram College, graduating from the latter institution in 1897, having taken the theological course. In June, 1897, he was ordained to the ministry of the Christian Church. Prior to this he had taken charge of the Christian Church on West Madison Avenue, Cleveland, where he continued for three years, removing from there to West Mansfield, Logan County. He remained in this charge for two years and his last settled pastorate was in Paulding County, where he was stationed for two or more years.

In the spring of 1905, Mr. Harris came to Ostrander and entered into business, on the first of the following July assuming the duties of cashier of the Ostrander Banking Company. He has been interested in the organization of several telephone companies and is secretary and a director of the Crooksville Company. The Ostrander Banking Company was organized in March, 1903, and it does a general commercial banking business and has a savings department. The bank has proven very popular and profitable, its deposits now being some $115,000, while the total resources of the bank are $150,000. The president of the banking company is W. H. Carr, its vice-president is I. C. Maugans, while the following capitalists make up its board of directors: W. H. Carr, J. C. Maugans, Marion Kirkland, H. W. Rittenhouse and J. I. Adamson.

Mr. Harris married Ethel M. Carr, who is a daughter of S. T. Carr. a prominent resident of Ostrander, and they have two children, namely: Helen Elizabeth and David Carr. The family attends the Baptist Church. In political sentiment, Mr. Harris is a Republican and in 1907, he was elected to membership on the School Board, although the township is strongly Democratic. He is a member of both the Masons and Odd Fellows, being connected with Ostrander Lodge, No. 594, F. & A. M., and the Chapter at Delaware, in the former fraternity, while in the latter, he is a member of Edinburgh Lodge and is past grand of White Lodge at West Mansfield and belongs to the Encampment at Middleburg. Mr. Harris is an esteemed citizen of Ostrander, a man who exercises a strong and helpful personal influence in the community.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



