Ohio Biographies

George F. Hogans

George F. Hogans, who has been an instructor in the public schools of Berkshire and Genoa Townships for a period of more than 25 years. comes of an old and respected family of Delaware County. He was born in Berkshire Township. January 13, 1861, and is a son of John Wesley and Drucilla (Crane) Hogans.

John W. Hogans was born and reared in Delaware County, Ohio, whither his father, John Beverly Hogans. had come at an early date. The father first settled in Oxford Township, where he followed farming, then moved to Genoa Township, where he rented a farm for some years, but at the time of his death was living in Franklin County, Ohio. John W. Hogans was reared on the farm and attended the district schools in his younger days. Upon leaving the parental roof he rented a farm in Genoa Township, and thereafter rented different farms in various parts of Delaware County. He died in Delaware Township, in 1863, at an early age. He married Drucilla Crane, who was born in Connecticut and was a young girl when her parents came west to Delaware County, they purchasing a farm of 35 acres in Genoa Township. There she was reared to maturity and educated in the public schools. Three children blessed her union with Mr. Hogans. namely: George F., Nellie, and John Wesley.

George F. Hogans, being but a child when his father died, was thereafter reared by his grandmother. He completed the prescribed course of study in the district schools of Genoa Township, after which he attended Otterbein College at Westerville two years. In 1880 he purchased his present farm of 30 acres in Genoa Township, and has at the present time a finely improved place. He erected the house and buildings, and all improvements are the result of his own thrift and energy. In addition to farming he has engaged in teaching in Genoa and Berkshire Townships for more than 25 years, and his work as an educator has been most gratifying. He is one of the progressive, public-spirited men of this section of the county, lending his support to all measures and enterprises tending to benefit the community.

Mr. Hogans was united in marriage, December 24, 1884, with Miss Susie McMahon, who was born in Genoa Township, and is a daughter of John and Honorah McMahon. Her parents were born in Ireland and came to America after their marriage, Genoa Township being their home from an early period. Three children are the issue of this union: Frances, who is also engaged as a teacher; Lela Eva; and Ralph Emerson. They were all born in their present home. Mr. Hogans has taken an active interest in political affairs, and has been unswerving in his support of Democratic principles. He served some years as justice of the peace and as township clerk, proving a most capable official. Fraternally, he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



