Ohio Biographies

Moses Ginn

Moses Ginn, a highly respected and well-known retired citizen of Galena, was born in Trenton Township, Delaware County, Ohio. May 2, 1834, and is a son of James and Effie (Brown) Ginn.

James Ginn was born in Delaware, September 12, 1795, and was a son of John Ginn, who was born in Ireland. The latter brought his family to Delaware County, Ohio, in 1812, and settled on land he procured from the Government, in Trenton Township, which was covered with a heavy growth of timber. James Ginn was seventeen years of age at this time and he assisted his father in making a home in the wilderness. He was married in Trenton Township, to Effie Brown, who was born in Connecticut, June 16, 1798, and was a daughter of Ezekiel Brown, who had come from Connecticut to Delaware County among the early settlers. After his marriage, James Ginn bought 125 acres of land in Trenton Township, which he cleared and improved, and on that farm he died. March 2, 1860. He was survived many years by his widow, who died at Galena, April 6, 1885. They had a family of five daughters and four sons. The survivors are: Mrs. Mary Jane Huff, widow, residing at Columbus; Mrs. Levina Watts, widow, residing in Berkshire Township; Eliza Ann, who married Reuben Perfect, residing at Galena; and Moses Ginn, residing at Galena.

Moses Ginn attended the district schools during his youth, as opportunity was afforded, and he remained with his parents until he was 22 years old. For one year he worked on the farm of Robert McAllister, and then bought a farm of 63 acres, in Geneva Township, on which he lived for three years, when he sold and then rented for the next for the next four years. Mr. Ginn then bought a farm of 62 acres, in Harlan Township, but when a good opportunity offered, two years later, he sold it and bought one-half of the old homestead farm, on which he lived for three years. This he subsequently sold to William D. Miller, who still resides there. Mr. Ginn then went into the business getting out timber for lumber and staves and remained interested in that business for 20 years. In 1872 he came to Galena, where he has lived ever since with the exception of four years, from 1880 to 1884, during which period he lived at Westerville. Since 1900, Mr. Ginn has lived retired, owning a house and four acres of land at Galena.

On October 9, 1850, Mr. Ginn was married to Sarah R. Carter, who was born in Herkimer County, New York, July 6, 1830, and died November 20. 1900. She was a daughter of George Rodney and Julia (Foster) Carter, who were natives of Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. Ginn had the following children born to them: Edna A., born May 12, 1859, married Wellington Mills, and died June 4, 1893; Helen M., born January 20, 1861, died July 12, 1896; Maynard L., born November 25, 1863, died October 18, 1864; Bertha M., born January 30, 1867, married W. H. Campbell, postmaster of Galena, Ohio; and Frank E., born September 23, 1871, residing at Santa Cruz. California.

Mr. Ginn is identified with the Republican party and on numerous occasions he has served in local offices, having been school director and road superintendent. He is a member of Rainbow Lodge, No. 337, Odd Fellows, at Westerville, Ohio.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



