Ohio Biographies

John H. Gerhardt, M.D.

J. H. Herhardt, M.D., who for 20 years has been prominently identified with the medical profession of Delaware County, Ohio, is one of the leading citizens of Sunbury. Dr. Gerhardt was born near West Jefferson, Madison County, Ohio, June 8, 1858, and is a son of Christian and Magdalena (Gerich) Garhardt.

Christian Gerhardt was a native of Germany, where he held an important government position. Owing to reverses in fortune he came to America with his wife and six children, and settled in Madison County, Ohio, where for many years he engaged in agricultural pursuits. Later in life he removed to West Jefferson, where he conducted a bakery up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1872, in his 72d year. His wife died in 1891, aged 73 years. Both were Lutherans in religious belief. Christian Gerhardt and his wife had seven children, as follows: Caroline, who is the widow of William Erb, resides at Lilly Chapel, Ohio; Lizzie, who is the widow of Petef Schmiegel, resides at Cincinnati, Ohio; Catherine, who is the wife of George Haffner, of Columbus; Mary, who also resides at Columbus; Emil. who served in the Civil War, was accidentally killed at Columbus; Christian, who was accidentally shot by a comrade during the Civil War; J. H., residing at Sunbury.

Dr. J. H. Gerhardt was reared on his father's farm in Madison County, and when 10 or 12 years of age removed with the family to West Jefferson, where he assisted his father in the bakery business. His preliminary education was secured in the public schools, and he began the study of medicine at Columbus, graduating from the Columbus Medical College in 1882, at which time be chose the town of Hebron as his field of practice and remained there for about one year. He then received an appointment as assistant physician at the Ohio State Penitentiary, in which capacity he served for three years, and in 1887 he came to Sunbury, where he has built up a large and lucrative practice.

On July 8, 1890, Dr. Gerhardt was married to Emma Ayres, who was born in Springfield, New York, and is a daughter of Albert and Martha (Casler) Ayres. Mrs. Gerhardt taught for 13 years in the Sunbury public schools and three years in the Primary Department of the Coshocton public schools. Jesse Ayres, the paternal grandfather of Mrs. Gerhardt, was a son of Jesse Ayres, a Revolutionary soldier, and was born in Massachusetts, whence his parents had come from Ayrshire, Scotland, early in the 17th century. Jesse Ayres was a manufacturer of woolen goods until reaching old age, when he took up the growing of hops and continued in that occupation till his death, which occurred in his 94th year in New York. He enlisted in the War of 1812, but being under age did not see service. Mr. Ayres married Nancy Myers, who died at the age of 67 years, and they had nine children. Mrs. Gerhardt's maternal grandfather, Solomon Casler, was a native of New York, of Dutch extraction, and was a contractor for ornamental work in the finishing of houses. He married Louvina Riker, and she died of cholera in 1851, leaving her husband four children. Mr. Casler lived to be nearly 90 years old.

Albert Ayres, father of Mrs. Gerhardt. was born in New York State, and in 1871 came to Coshocton County, Ohio, from whence he removed in 1882 to Columbus, and there has been engaged in the grocery business for a number of years. He married Martha Casler, who died in January, 1902, aged 62 years, and to them were born two children: Mrs. Gerhardt, and Renetta, who was the wife of Edward Sargent of Columbus.

Dr. Gerhardt and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, of which he is a trustee. He belongs to Sparrow Lodge, No. 400, of Masons, and Sunbury Lodge, No. 321, Knights of Pythias, and he and his wife are also members of the Eastern Star. He was surgeon in the Ohio National Guards, Seventeenth Regiment, for eight years. Politically, the Doctor is a Democrat, and for several terms served as a member of the city council.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



Dr. John H. Gerhardt was born in Madison County, Ohio, in 1858, and attended school at West Jefferson, Ohio. He read medicine with Dr. Charles Snyder at West Jefferson in 1878. He graduated from the Columbus Medical College in 1882. He was assistant physician to the Ohio penitentiary from 1884 to 1886; and surgeon of the Ohio National Guards for eight years. He was married to Miss Emma Ayers, of Columbus, in 1887. He began the practice at Sunbury, Ohio, in 1887, and is now in active work. He is a member of the Baptist Church, also the F. & A. M.; the Delaware County and State Medical Societies.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



