Ohio Biographies

Mrs. Emma Chamberlain Griffith

Mrs. Emma Chamberlain Griffith, residing on her farm of over 500 acres, situated in Delaware Township, is one of the best-known and esteemed residents of this section. Mrs. Griffith was born in Rome Township, Lawrence County, Ohio, October 1, 1866, and is a daughter of John O. and Sarah Naomi (Coulter) Miller.

Mrs. Griffith remained at home with her parents until her marriage, attending the township schools and becoming skilled in all housewifely arts. On July 21, 1887, she was married (first) to John Henry Chamberlain, who was born in Delaware County, in June, 1839, and who died March 7, 1896. He was a son of William and Mary (Gardner) Chamberlain, and a grandson of Justus Chamberlain, who was a captain in the War of 1812. In the same year, William Chamberlain was born in New England and was seven years of age when he accompanied his parents to Delaware County. The family settled on the farm that Mrs. Griffith now owns. It originally contained 135 acres, to which a quantity of land has been added through wise investments. John H. Chamberlain was the only child of his parents and inherited the home property, which he increased to 375 acres. He was an educated, well-read men, having been a student at the Ohio Western University. He left two children: William Miller, who was born November 29, 1888. He was a student in Delaware High School, but had to give up school when within two months of graduation account of his eyes giving out; and Mary, born December 11, 1891, a student in the Delaware High School, class of 1909.

Mr. Chamberlain took a keen practical interest in agriculture, and was very successful, always giving much credit to his capable wife for her good judgment and executive ability. He was a member of the William Street Methodist Episcopal Church at Delaware.

On March 31, 1897, Mrs. Chamberlain was married to Thomas E. Griffith. Mr. Griffith was born in South Wales, August 7, 1867, and was educated in Llandovery College. His father, Thomas Evan Griffith, was a Welsh Esquire, who owned an estate of 2,700 acres, on which he raised sheep, and Thomas grew up in the sheep and cattle business. Prior to 1892, when he came to America, he had been superintendent of his father's estate. After visiting the great Columbian Exposition, at Chicago. Mr. Griffith engaged in farming in Delaware Township, and in 1897, after his marriage with Mrs. Chamberlain, took charge of her many farm and stock interests. The acreage has been increased and 200 acres are given to pasturage, while 300 acres are cultivated. No products of the farm are sold, except stock and cattle, milk and wheat. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith keep 75 head of cattle, among them being a number of full-blood Jerseys, milk about 50 cows and sell to the creamery. They have three registered stallions and raise both draft and trotting horses, keeping 20 head on hand all the time. Many Berkshire hogs are also raised. Only persons of thorough knowledge and much experience could successfully manage so large a stock and dairy farm as this, making it what it is—one of the most successful enterprises of Delaware Township. Both Mr. and Mrs. Griffith are members of the William Street Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics. Mr. Griffith is a Republican, but he takes no very active interest in public matters.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



