Ohio Biographies

Sherman Fairchild

Sherman Fairchild, a well-known citizen of Westerville, who is a retired farmer of Harlem Township, was born in Delaware County, Ohio, March 9, 1832, and is a son of Benjamin Mosley and Mary Ann (Lydey) Fairchild.

Benjamin Mosley Fairchild was born in Bennington County, Vermont, May 24, 1783. His father died when he was a child and he was reared by an uncle who lived in the Green Mountains. In 1808 he came to Granville, Ohio, and was in the employ of Benajah Cook for one year and then purchased a farm of 175 acres in Harlem Township, which he cleared and somewhat improved, and on which he lived until the close of his life, his death taking place December 27, 1871. He was married in Harlem Township to Polly Bud, who was reared in Delaware County, and who died after the birth of four daughters and one son. He was married secondly to Mrs. Mary Ann (Lydey) Johnson, a widow with four sons and two daughters. Three children were born of the second marriage. Mr. Fairchild is the eldest of the children and the only survivor. Benjamin M. Fairchild built a saw-mill and a grist-mill on Duncan Run and he became a man well and favorably known all through this section.

Sherman Fairchild was reared on his father's farm and went to school in an old log building used for this purpose. On March 20, 1853, he was married to Phebe Jane Williams, who was born in Plain Township, Franklin County, Ohio, January 26, 1836, and was a daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Williams, of Plain Township, who had come from New Jersey and settled there at an early day, with their nine children. He traveled over 600 miles with his family, in a wagon, finally settling in Plain Township, where he became a man of much prominence. He owned land and took part in public affairs, serving 14 years as a justice of the peace on the Democratic ticket and filling other township offices. Two more children were horn to him after coming to Ohio, Mrs. Fairchild being one of the two survivors of the family.

For several years after his marriage, Mr. Fairchild rented the home farm and then boughl 55 acres in Harlem Township, which he subsequently increased to 139 acres. This land he greatly improved, building three residences and making it very valuable. He carried on general farming, operated a stone quarry on his land and raised a large number of sheep, which he exhibited at the agricultural fair in Delaware County. In young manhood, Mr. Fairchild was somewhat noted for his athletic feats and was a champion jumper in the friendly contests engaged in by the young men at that time, having a record of a jump of 21½ feet.

Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild had three sons and oe daughter, namely: Frances Fredonia, who married John Rhodes; Benjamin Sherman; Richard Lee; and James Loved, all of whom were born in Harlem Township. In his political views he has always been a Republican. His father served as a captain in the War of 1812.


20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



