Ohio Biographies

Wesley Z. Evans

Wesley Z. Evans, proprietor or the Delaware Creamery, one of Delaware's important industrial concerns, was born at Delaware, Ohio, August 8, 1852, and is a son of Thomas and Isabella (Johnson) Evans. The paternal grandfather, Thomas Evans, was born at Milton, Pennsylvania, and survived to be ninety-two years of age, dying in 1888. He came to Mt. Vernon, Ohio, al a very early day, where he worked as a plasterer and also acquired land and engaged in tanning. He was married several times, the grandmother of Wesley Z. Evans being named Phebe Nevyns. She was born in Kelly Township, Union County, Pennsylvania, April 19, 1798, and died November 25, 1843. She married Thomas Evans in April, 1826, accompanied him to Ohio in 1841. Her father, Christian Nevyns, was born November 1, 1759, probably in Bedminster Township, Somerset County, New Jersey, and died November 1, 1815. He married Lucretia Chamberlain. In 1780 his name appears on the pay roll of Major William Beard's company at Elizabethtown, and he also served in Capt. Jacob Ten Eyck's company, First Battalion of Somerset in the Revolutionary War. In 1793, he moved to Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, with wife and two children. His father was Peter Nevyns, born near Three Mile Run. New Jersey, baptized April 23, 1727, died after 1800. He married Maria Van Doren. His father was Roeloff Nevyns, born in 1687 in New Jersey, married Catalyntje Lucasse Van Yoorhees. He was a man of more than ordinary piety and with great capacity for organization and evangelistic work. His father was Pieter Nevyns of Flatlands, New York, born in New Amsterdam, baptized February 4, 1663, at the New Amsterdam Dutch Church, died 29. 1740. He married Janetje Roelsofse Schenck. He was the younger of two sons of Johannes Nevyns, the origintal immigrant, who was born in Holland in 1627, arrived in America in 1651, and died in 1672. He married Adriaentje Bleijck. Further informal may be gained by consulting a genealogical record of this family which was published in 1900.

Thomas Evans learned the tinner's trade at Mt. Vernon and worked at the same there for a number of years and then came to Delaware. In the days of the California gold fever, he accompanied a party from this city. but his health and he returned to the East, coming by way of the Isthmus of Panama. He then opened up a business of his own at Delaware, which he continued until 1870, when he sold his interests to his son. Wesley Z. Evans. For many years Mr. Evans was a very prominent political factor. For 20 years he published the Delaware Signal, a complete file of which may he found in the Slocum Library and a most interesting collection It was a prohibition journal, as Mr. Evans was one of the leading prohibitionists in the State. On several occasions he was placed on the State ticket as a representative of that party. He was a man of sincere devotion to duty and his influence was far-reaching. He was active both as a Mason and as an Odd Fellow, for a long time was a member of Hiram Lodge, F. & A. M., and was past grand of Olentangy Lodge. No. 53, Odd Fellows.

Thomas Evans married Isabella Johnson, who died April 15, 1889. in her sixty-second year. She was a daughter of Zechariah Johnson, who was a pensioner of the War of 1812, accredited to New York. There were six children born to this marriage, namely: Wesley Z.; Aaron, residing at Columbus, was born August 6, 1854; Jessie, residing at Coburg, Ontario, is the wife of James E. Skidmore; Mary Belle, residing in New York City; Thomas B., who died in 1885: and Minerva, residing at Buffalo, is the wife of Melvin E. Wilkinson. Miss Mary Belle Evans is the publisher of two newspapers for the Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Eipscopal Church, and has distinguished herself both for her literary talent and her financial ability. Since she has taken charge of the Home Mission and of the child's paper, they are both paying investments. Thomas Evans died April 15, 1888. For a long period he had been a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and had officiated in many official positions. He was a man of sterling character, admirable in every relation of life.

The birthplace of Wesley Z. Evans was in a house which then stood where now the Masonic Temple structure stands. He attended the Delaware schools, completed the High School course and spent two years in the Ohio Wesleyan University. For one year he was employed as a clerk at Cleveland, and then assisted his father in conducting a general hardware business, which he purchased in 1876. He continued the hardware and stove business and added plumbing and roofing to his other lines, and for seventeen years he led the trade in the lines mentioned. In 1893. Mr. Evans sold out to R. J. Pumphrey, but he is still interested in the property on which the business is located. He then turned his attention to the manufacturing of tile and for some six years was secretary of and a director in the Delaware Clay Manufacturing Company. He built up what is known as the Union Grocery Company, and from 1899 until 1905, he was engaged in a successful grocery business. In 1901, Mr. Evans established the Delaware Creamery, for the manufacture of butter and condensed milk. This is the only condensing plant in Delaware County. The business is a large one and constantly increasing. During 1907 a business of $75,000 was done and prospects are bright for a great increase in the current year.

Mr. Evans married Ida Loveridge, who is a daughter of Philip Loveridge, of Knox County. Ohio, and they have had four children, namely: Harold, who died aged four and one-half years; Adelaide, who was a graduate in 1907, at the Ohio Wesleyan University; Paul, who is a member of the class of 1910 at the University, and Harriet. Mr. Evans and family belong to the Williams Street Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of Hiram Lodge, No. 18, F, & A. M., and of Olentangy Lodge, No. 53, Odd Fellows, of which he is past grand.



From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



