Ohio Biographies

Benjamin F. Davids

Benjamin F. Davids, representative citizen of Radnor Township, owns the old homestead farm of 175 acres, which is situated in Delaware County, Ohio, and on this place he was born April 9, 1846. His parents were Sylvanus and Margaret (Evans) Davids.

Thomas Davids, the grandfather of Benjamin F., was horn in Pembrokeshire, Wales, and he died in Delaware County, September 5, 1810. The inscription on his tombstone in Radnor cemetery shows that his was the second burial there. He left his widow with ten children, their ages ranging from 19 years to infancy. The land he secured was uncleared and consisted of a. large acreage, the village of Radnor now standing on what was once his farm. He was one of the early settlers in Radnor Township but lived but a short time after reaching here.

Sylvanus Davids, father of Benjamin F., was born in Pembrokeshire, Wales, in 1797, and died in Delaware County, in 1872. He was about two years old when his parents emigrated from Wales to America and settled in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, where the family lived until June, 1810, when removal was made to Delaware County. The early death of his father placed heavy responsibilities on him. He cleared many acres of land of the virgin forest. At the time of his marriage he settled on the farm which is now owned by his son Benjamin F. At first a rude log house was the home but it soon gave way to a comfortable hewed log house and later to a substantial brick residence. He carried on general farming until the close of his life. For many years he was a township official and through his whole career was noted for the manly qualities which have always marked men of his family. They have all prospered through industry, and they have been universally held as reliable, honest and upright citizens. Sylvanus Davids married Margaret Evans, a daughter of Thomas Evans. She was born in Carmarthen, Wales, in 1805, and died in 1878. They had ten children, seven of whom grew to maturity, namely: Thomas, who is deceased; Mary, who married Charles Robinson, is deceased; Isabella, who married John Bonner, is deceased; Margaret, who married (first) Henry Hermon and (second) William Ferguson, resides at Columbus, a widow; Sarah M., who lives at home; Julia, deceased, who married (first) Leander Carr and (second) Robert Ferrier; and Benjamin F. The family belonged to the Radnor Baptist Church, the parents being among its founders.

Benjamin F. Davids has always resided on the home farm, his longest period of absence being during the Civil War. when, as a member of Company A, One Hundred and Forty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, he assisted during the summer of 1804, in the guarding of Washington City. His interests have always been centered in agricultural pursuits. He added to the land secured from his father's estate, and of his farm of 175 acres, he cultivates 140 acres, selling nothing he produces except his wheat. He is largely interested in raising fine horses, hogs and Shorthorn cattle, keeping from 40 to 50 head of the latter. Mr. Davids takes justifiable pride in his well-improved farm and his other possessions. His home and surroundings are so attractive that they excite favorable comment from the passing stranger. In 1882 he built the fine brick residence, two stories in height. containing 14 rooms, the most commodious house in Radnor Township, and its inside equipments equal its outside appearance. In 1888 he erected his fine barn with dimensions of 64 feet in length with an ell, 50 feet in width and with 18-foot posts.

On October 22, 1874, Mr. Davids married Lucy E. Humphreys, a daughter of Morris Humphreys of Radnor, and four of their six children reached maturity, as follows: Gertrude, William, John E. and Margaret I. Mr. Davids and family belong to the Baptist Church and he is a member of the committee on Missions. In politics, he is a Republican and has served as township trustee and in other offices.


20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



