Ohio Biographies

Alexander N. Decker

Alexander N. Decker, contractor and builder, residing at Warrensburg, was born at Fairview, Delaware County, Ohio. June 24, 1859, and is a son of Frederick and Eliza G. (Reynolds) (Nash) Decker.

Frederick Decker was born in Hoboken, New Jersey, and came from there to Crawford County. Ohio, building a grist mill near Bucyrus. Afterward he came to Delaware County and built a stone mill north of Delaware, which he sold some years later. He then bought the Snyder mill, which he rebuilt, but in a few years sold that property also. He was a man of excellent business qualifications and his financial operations were successfully conducted. Later he erected a mill at Mill Creek, where he was engaged in milling for several years. He then moved to Fairview, where he bought a mill on the present site of Warrensburg, and also purchased farming land. This mill he operated for almost thirty years, continuing thus occupied until his death. From 1858 he also engaged in farming and was an extensive agriculturist, owning from 500 to 600 acres of land. He was a successful grower of sheep, keeping 1,200 to 1,400 head, and he raised enough grain to feed all his stock. Until 1872 he was identified with the Republican party, after which he cast his influence in favor of the Prohibition party.

Frederick was twice married. The children of the first marriage were: Clark, now deceased, but formerly a resident of Kansas; Greeley, residing at Franklin County, Kansas; Julia, deceased; Alfretta, who married Dr. Willis, residing at Delaware: LeRoy, a resident of Cleveland; Margery, who is deceased; Samuel R., residing in Scioto Township; and Alvin O, who is deceased. Frederick Decker was married secondly to Mrs. Eliza G. (Nash) Reynolds, who was born in Vermont and who was the widow of Solis Reynolds. The children of her first marriage were: Albina, a resident of Nebraska; Richard C. residing at Wichita, Kansas; Marion, who resides in Ostrander; and Solis, who is a physician residing at Indianapolis. Of Frederick Decker's second marriage the following children were born: Alexander N., whose name begins this article; D., residing at Warrensburg; and George W. and William Newton. both residing in Columbus and F. E. Decker residing the home farm. The family was reared in the faith of the Presbyterian Church.

Alexander N. Decker was four years old when his parents moved to Scioto Township, where he was reared and educated. When about sixteen years of age he started to learn the carpenter's trade, working for one year with Charles Robinson, from whom he learned the first principles, after which he put them into practice and taught himself, undoubtedly having a natural bent in this direction. For twenty years he operated a farm of eighty acres, which he sold in 1906, and since then he has devoted his entire attenton to building and contracting. He gives employment to several helpers, and his contracts take him all over Delaware and Union Counties. He is considered a very expert workman and is one who is never obliged to fold his arms for lack of anything to do.

Mr. Decker married Rosa F. Mason, a daughter of James B. Mason, of Delaware Township, and they have three children, namely: Lorain; Grace, who married Leo Smith; and Eliza Caroline. Mr. Decker and family belong to the old stone Presbyterian Church at South Radnor. He is an Independent in politics. For many years he has been a member of Ruffner Lodge of Odd Fellows.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



