Ohio Biographies

Wray H. Carr

Wray H. Carr, president of the Osstrander Banking Company, and a prominent citizen of Ostrander, was born on the old Carr homestead in Scioto Township, Delaware County, Ohio, September 20, 1860, and is a son of Gideon S. and Elizabeth (Anderson) Carr.

The paternal grandfather was Solomon Carr, born in 1775. who came to Scioto Township in 1817, and in company with James Liggett and George Bean, also from Hardy County, Virginia, now West Virginia, invested in 600 acres of wild land. The first night after completing this purchase the friends spent with a fourth friend named Hinton, who suggested that he be appointed to apportion the land, and the plan was accepted and the land was divided by him into four parts. Solomon Carr received 150 acres, and that part of Ostrander lying north of North Street stands on a portion of the original Carr place. Solomon Carr died in 1847. He married a sister of George Bean and they reared a number of children and through marriage and inter-marriage, the Carr family is connected with many of the leading ones in this section. Solomon Carr was born in 1775 and died in 1847. Priscilla Carr was born in 1783 and died in 1862.

Gideon S. Carr was born on the farm which his father settled, in 1821, and died on the same place in 1898. He followed an agricultural life. Most of the improving was done during his possession of the property, nearly all of the substantial buildings having been planned and erected by him. He married Elizabeth Anderson and they had four children, namely: Emma, who married J. C. Faulkner; S. T., residing at Ostrander; Wray H.; and Homer, who died in infancy. Gideon S. Carr and wife were members of the Baptist Church and were active in all its helpful agencies.

Wray H. Carr supplemented the education he received in the public schools of Ostrander with a business course at a commercial college at Delaware. He continued to operate the home farm in Scioto Township, which became his own property, until 1906, carrying on extensive operations. Since January, 1904, he has been president of The Ostrander Banking Company, of which he was one of the organizers. This institution is in a prosperous condition, at the present time (1908) having resources of $50,000, with savings deposits of about $75,000. The business has always been conducted along conservative lines and flurries in Wall Street or in other financial centers have no power to disturb its usual quiet and safe business course.

Mr. Carr was married (first) to Lillie Crayton, who was a daughter of J. A. Crayton, of Westerville. She is survived by two children: Howard, residing at Columbus, and Lillie, at home. Mr. Carr was married (second) to Elizabeth Crayton, also a daughter of J. A. Crayton. Mr. and Mrs. Carr are members of the United Brethren Church at Ostrander. in which he is a trustee. Mr. Carr is a stanch Republican and has been a trustee of Scioto Township for the past seven years. He belongs to Ostrander Lodge, No. 594, F. & A. M., and of Edinburg Lodge No. 467, Odd Fellows, of which he is past grand.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



