Ohio Biographies

Joseph H. Cunningham

Joseph H. Cunningham, who is engaged in the florist business in Delaware, has been thus established in his present location on West William Street, since 1890. He was born in Liberty Township about three miles west of Hyattsville, son of George and Mary J. (Harris) Cunningham. His father, a native of Edinburg, Scotland, and a machinist by trade, emigrated to this country, settling in Marietta, Ohio, where he followed his trade for a while, subsequently removing to Liberty Township, Delaware County. He enlisted in Company F, Ninety-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and died in the spring of 1863, while serving with his regiment in the Civil War. He was a Free Mason, belonging to the lodge of that order at Marietta. His wife was a daughter of Joseph Harris of Concord Township. They had two children: Joseph H., the subject of this notice, who was born July 25, 1855, and Edward, who is now a resident of Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. George Cunningham died in June, 1905, at the age of about 65 years.

Joseph H. Cunningham acquired his education in the schools of Marietta and Liberty and the old High school at Delaware. He began industrial life in the employ of George W. Campbell, who was formerly secretary of the Ohio State Horticultural Society, and later its president, and who was a man widely known in horticultural circles. Under his instruction Mr. Cunningham acquired a thorough knowledge of horticulture and floriculture, remaining with him until 1890, when, as already noted, he started out for himself at his present location. His first greenhouse was 72x20 feet. With the gradual but steady increase in his business he enlarged his facilities until he now has 10,000 feet of glass. He does a general business in greenhouse, bedding and flowering plants, shipping his floral products to all parts of the country. Few people in Delaware realize what a complete and well ordered establishment he has, containing every thing that can be needed for any kind of floral decoration. His natural taste in such matters has been cultivated and perfected by the thorough training he received under his former noted employer, and the products of his art, in the line of floral decorative work, in the highest degree tasteful, and appropriate to the occasion for which they are intended. The existence here of so complete an establishment of this kind is another proof, added to the many contained in these pages, that Delaware need not fear comparison with any city of its size in all that goes to illustrate the progressive and up-to-date character of its citizens.

Mr. Cunningham is a Republican in politics and has served four years as a member of the City Council. He belongs to Hiram Lodge, F. & A. M.: Olentangy Lodge. No. 53. I. O. O. F., and to Lenape Lodge. No. 20. K. P., all of Delaware.

Mr. Cunningham married Emma J. Genier. a daughter of John S. Genier. of France. He and his wife have been the parents of five children, of whom four are now living, namely: Irene M., George W., Mary M., and Jean J. The family are members of St. Peter's Episcopal Church.


20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



