Ohio Biographies

John Cowgill

John Cowgill, one of Delaware Township's substantial agriculturists, who owns and operates a fine farm of more than 200 acres, was born July 18, 1842, in Jefferson Township. Logan County, Ohio, and is a son of Daniel and Mary (Everett ) Cowgill.

Thomas Cowgill, the grandfather, was born in Frederick County, Virginia, July 27, 1777, and died September 16, 1846. He was a blacksmith by trade, an occupation which he followed in his native locality until his marriage, and then removed to Columbiana County, Ohio. Mr. Cowgill married Sarah Antrim, who was born September 16, 1780, in Stafford County, Virginia, and died June 6, 1868, and to them there were born the following children: Ann, born November 27, 1800, in Culpeper County, Virginia, died October 13. 1873; Henry, born in Columbiana County, Ohio, October 30, 1802, died September 12, 1869; Susanna, born November 1, 1804, died February 8, 1851; Daniel, born October 8. 1806, died April 8, 1896; Sarah, born September 3, 1809; Thomas, born June 19, 1812; Joseph, born May 15, 1814; Levi, born April 8, 1816, died June 5, 1859; Lydia, born in Champaign County, Ohio.. February 1, 1818; John, born January 4, 1820, resides in Franklin County, Ohio; and Eli, born May 27, 1822. The family were Quakers.

Daniel Cowgill, father of John, was born between Lisbon and Salem, in Columbiana County, Ohio, October 8, 1806, and as a boy accompanied his parents to Champaign County, where he received a limited education and learned the trade of cabinet maker and undertaker. He located in Zanesfield, Logan County, where he established himself in business, and he always spoke with pride of having made Samuel Kenton's coffin. In 1850 Mr. Cowgill engaged in farming on rented land near Delaware, but two years later purchased the farm now owned by his son John, which he continued to operate until his death. He was first a Whig and later a Republican in politics, and served as justice of the peace of Logan County for nine years, and as trustee for a long period.

Mr. Cowgill was married (first) to Hepsebeth Stokes, who was born December 24, 1810, and died August 14, 1836, and they had two children: Deborah, who was born December 15, 1831; and Joseph Stokes, born May 4, 1834. Mr. Cowgill's second marriage to Mary Everett, who was born August 31, 1811, and died May 15, 1875, daughter of Thomas Everett of Champaign County. Of their children, five grew to maturity: Sarah, born December 29, 1840, is the widow of John Sites and lives at Camp Chase, Franklin County; John; Rev. Josephine, twin of John, for several years was a missionary in Palestine, and is now located at Los Angeles, California, where she still carries on missionary work; Ottaway C, born September 25, 1846. died July 31, 1888; and Daniel E., born April 12, 1854, at one time principal of the schools of Delaware, is now located at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Cowgill were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Cowgill having had to leave the Quaker faith to muster in the old militia, as he was unable to pay the fine for not mustering.

John Cowgill received his education in his native township and at Delaware, where he taught school for three terms, farming during the summer months. His parents had established a small dairy, and this he greatly enlarged, operating a milk route until September, 1902, keeping about 30 head of cattle, and raising most of his feed. He now has 20 head of cattle and 123 sheep, and about half of his farm is under cultivation, four acres being devoted to apple trees, although the principal crops are corn, oats, wheat and hay. The residence and main barn were built by Mr. Cowgill's parents, but the additions and other buildings have been built by him. Fraternally he is connected with the Lodge and Chapter of the Masonic order. He is a Republican in politics, and was township trustee for six years and land appraiser two terms.

On May 27, 1875, Mr. Cowgill was married to Ellen N. Yates, who was born January 15, 1832. in Knox County, Illinois, and is a daughter of Thomas Yates, and to this union there were born five children: John Arthur, born July 27, 1876, resides in Delaware; Mary Everett, born October 8, 1877, married William Griffith, of Delaware; Margaret Elnora, born October 1, 1880, died January 16, 1896; Thomas Elwood, born July 27, 1885, is a member of the class of 1908 at the Ohio State University; and Oliver Clyde, born February 15. 1887.

Mr. Cowgill is a Presbyterian, while his wife is a member of William Street Methodist Episcopal Church, and is very active in church and charitable work, having been for some years president of the Aged People's Home.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



