Ohio Biographies

Corrington Cline

Corrington Cline, a member of the Board of Education of Marlborough Township, residing on his valuable farm of 132 acres, which is situated on the east branch of the Olentangy River, was born March 17, 1866 in Marlborough Township, Delaware County, Ohio, and is a son of Samuel D. and Lucinda J. (Schultz) Cline.

Samuel D. Cline was born also in Marlborough Township and was a son of Henry Cline and a grandson of Henry Cline. and great-grandson of Conrad Cline. the latter of whom was a Revolutionary soldier. Henry Cline. Sr., served in the War of 1812. He was born in Pennsylvania and accompanied his father to Kentucky, thence to Pickaway County, Ohio, and thence to Delaware County. Samuel D. Cline lived in Marlborough Township from 1833 until 1861; during his active years having engaged in the manufacture of woolen goods, having his factory situated on the Olentangy River. Later he removed his mill to Cardington, Morrow County, Ohio, where he had better facilities and was able to carry on a more extensive business. He died there in 1876. He married Lucinda J. Schultz and all of their children survive: Wellington, Corrington and Arlington, the latter of whom now resides in Marion County, while Wellington resides in Delaware County. Samuel D. Cline was a Democrat.

Corrington Cline was four years old when his father moved to Cardington and he lived there until the death of his father, when he was nine years of age. He then accompanied other members of the family to Marion County, where they all lived for a time, and later to Marlborough Township, where he has resided ever since. His main occupation has been farming and his excellent property shows the care and attention devoted to its development.

On March 22, 1888, Mr. Cline was married to Elizabeth Hauck, who was born in Marlborough Township, and is a daughter of Peter Hauck, of Delaware County, and they have six children: Erwin C, Orrin L, Toura, Annita, Lela and Erma. Mr. Cline has reason to take a great deal of pride in his family of bright, attractive children. Erwin C. graduated from the Ashley High School in 1903, in a class of 20, bearing off all the honors. although then but 13 years of age, subsequently graduating irom the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, with equal credit. He took a course in the classics at the University, graduating with the highest honors in June, 1907. and is now assistant superintendent of the Covington, Tennessee, schools. He has a high testimonial from President Welch of the O. W. U. Corrington Cline has served as justice of the peace and has held other offices, taking the most interest in those identified with educational work. He has been officially connected with the Elm Tree School for a number of years. He is a stanch Democrat in his political views, and for 11 years served as township committeeman. He belongs to Ashley Lodge, No. 421, Odd Fellows, in which he has passed all the chairs.


20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



