Ohio Biographies

William Bevan

William Bevan, a representative citizen of Delaware County, Ohio, and an honored survivor of the great Civil War. who is extensively engaged in agricultural pursuits in Scioto Township, was born June 26. 1835, in Breconshire, South Wales, and is a son of David and Margaret (Lewis) Bevan.

David Bevan. Sr., who was also a native of Breconshire, South Wales, came from that country to America in 1842 with his wife and six children, and located in Delaware Township, Delaware County, Ohio, where his wife's sister and her four children lived. Mr. Bevan settled in a little log cabin on a fifty-acre tract on the Warrensburg pike, just north of where his son David now lives, and here commenced clearing the heavily timbered land. In a few years the family had a well-improved farm, and Mr. Bevan prospered to such an extent that at the time of his death, May 23, 1879, lie was the owner of 400 acres of land. He was a man of great energy and ambition, was prudent and economical, and was esteemed by all with whom he had dealings. For many years he was engaged in dealing in and raising cattle and sheep, and in this line was as successful as in his other operations. He was married to Margaret Lewis, who died in 1863, having been the mother of six children, namely: Margaret, who died single; David, who is one of the most prosperous farmers of Delaware Township, and who married Eliza Davis: William: James and Charles, who are now deceased; and Dinah, who keeps house for her brother William. The parents of these children were faithful members of the Congregational Church.

William Bevan received a limited education in the schools of Scioto Township, and in his youth learned the trade of carpenter in Delaware Township, an occupation which he followed until the outbreak of the Civil War. He enlisted September 26, 1862, in Company C, One Hundred and Twenty-first Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and continued in his country's service until April, 1865, when he was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky. He continued with his company during the first seven months of his enlistment, and during his first winter in the army suffered many privations, the cold at one time being so intense that Mr. Bevan's cheek froze to the ground while he was sleeping. After leaving his regiment he served for ten or fifteen months with the Pioneer Corps, and the balance of his term of enlistment was spent in Company D. United States Engineer Corps. A courageous and ready soldier. Mr. Bevan gained the respect of comrades and officers, and his war record is one of which any man might well be proud.

For some years after his return from the service, Mr. Bevan was engaged in working at his trade, but in 1888 be located on the old home farm, which he has continued to operate with much success to the present time, raising large crops of grain and hay and giving much attention to stock dealing. The fine old residence on the property has been standing for many years, and Mr. Bevan well remembers helping the builder make the brick therefor when he was nine or ten years old. While Mr. Bevan did not have such educational advantages as are extended to the youth of the present day. he has been a great reader of good literature, converses equally well in both English and Welsh, is familiar with the leading topics of the times, and is one of the best versed men in the Scriptures to be found in this section. He is a great Bible student, and is one of the leading members of the Welsh Congregational Church. located at Radnor. Formerly a Republican, Mr. Bevan has for several years been identified with the Prohibition party, but he has never aspired to public office. He is unmarried and his sister Dinah resides with him and manages the household.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens by James R. Lytle



