Thomas Burnside
Thomas Burnside, formerly a representative farmer and stockraiser of Genoa Township, where he owned 240 acres of very valuable land, was born in Ireland in 1836, and was quite small when he accompanied his parents to America.
The parents of Mr. Burnside settled in Muskingum County, Ohio, where Thomas Burnside was reared and attended the district schools. He married Sarah E. Clements, who was horn in Muskingum County, September 1, 1835, and is a daughter of Andrew and Margaret (Collins) Clements. They were both born in England but were reared and married in Ireland. They had seven children, one of whom was born in Ireland. Andrew Clements acquired 300 acres of land in Muskingum County and was one of the extensive farmers of his section. He took considerable interest in public matters and voted with the Republican party. He died December 23, 1884, bis wife having died in the previous October. Mrs. Burnside's brother, William John Clements, served four years in the Civil War.
In 1865, two years after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Burside came to Delaware County and located on the present farm. They were accompanied by Mr. Burnside's brother, who assisted him in making the improvements which render this one of the finest farms in the township. Mr. Burnside took much comfort in his pleasant home and had great pride in his family. He died at the age of 40 years and is survived by his widow and one son, Thomas Edwin, the latter residing on a part of the farm where he also has made many improvements. Mr. Burnside was a member of the Episcopal Church, in which faith Mrs. Burnside was reared.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908