Theodore F. Blakeley
Theodore F. Blakeley, senior member of the general mercantile firm of Blakeley & Williams, at Sunbury, Ohio, vvas bom in Lincoln Township, Morrow County, Ohio, May 20, 1842. His parents were Roberl and Hannah (Kingman) Blakeley.
The grandfathers of Mr. Blakeley, on both sides of the family, came from other points. but were early settlers in Ohio. The paternal grandfather, Thomas Blakeley, was born in Ireland, where he married Rosina Richards. They emigrated to America and settled first at Reading, Pennsylvania, later coming to Ohio. He acquired much land and was considered a successful business man. He met his death by accidental drowning in Walnut Creek, in Franklin County. He had six children. The maternal great-grandfather of Mrs. Blakeley, Alexander Kingman, was a Revolutionary soldier. Grandfather Joseph Kingman was born in Vermont, served in the War of 1812 and came to Ohio from New York. His first wife was Susan Woods and his second Sarah Harendine. He was a farmer in Morrow County, where be died.
Robert Blakeley was born in 1818, in Pennsylvania and came to Ohio, in 1820, with his parents. He lived in Franklin County until 1834, and from that time until his death he resided in Morrow County. He married Hannah Kingman, who died in 1900, aged 80 years. In early life she united with the Methodist Church, but later became a Presbyterian. Robert Blakeley survived his wife until August 28, 1905. He also belonged to the Presbyterian Church. Their family consisted of five sons and three daughters.
Theodore F. Blakeley was reared on the home farm in Morrow County, and was educated in the district schools and the Cardington High School. He was 18 years of age when he left home and became clerk in a store conducted by James S. Trimble, at Mt. Gilead, and he resided in that town for eight years. He then moved to Cameron, Missouri, where he embarked in business for himself, conducting a general store for three years, after which he was in business at Olive Green or Kingston, Delaware County, Ohio. In 1873 he came to Sunbury and went into partnership with his brother, Perry Blakeley. They were associated in a general mercantile business until 1885, when Perry Blakeley sold his interest to the firm of Kimball & Williams, the style then becoming Blakeley, Kimball & Williams. In 1890, Mr. Kimball retired and the present firm name of Blakeley & Williams was adopted. This firm does a very large business, occupying two floors and basement, which are well stocked with seasonable goods. The trade rating of the firm is very high, and the confidence inspired by their honest methods of dealing extends all through this section.
On April 24, 1870, Mr. Blakeley married Anna Mosher, who is a daughter of David and Phebe (Buck) Mosher. Mrs. Blakeley is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Fraternally, Mr. Blakeley is a 32nd degree Mason and belongs to Sparrow Lodge No. 400, F. & A. M., and Delaware Chapter, and to Mt. Vernon Commandery at Columbus. He takes no very active part in politics, but is identified with the Democratic party.
20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908