Levi Bishop
Levi Bishop, justice of the peace and representative citizen of Troy Township, was born in Delaware County, Ohio, October 22, 1830, and is a son of James and Sarah (Cole) Bishop.
The maternal grandparents of Mr. Bishop, Joseph and Mary Cole, came to Troy Township from Virginia, among the early settlers, in 1808, locating in the dense woods that then covered all this section, the mother of Mr. Bishop being then eight years of age. The father of Mr. Bishop came also from Smyth County, Virginia, and settled in Troy Township in 1827. He was engaged all his life in agricultural pursuits and was a cabinet-maker. Upon the organization of the Republican party he became identified with it and continued a supporter of its policies until his death, in 1884. He at one time served as clerk of Troy Township.
Levi Bishop grew to manhood on the home farm, assisting in its development, and in the meanwhile securing a district school education. He devoted himself to farming and stockraising. On December 25, 1851, he was married to Lydia Main, who was a daughter of Lyman and Hannah Main. She died March 5, 1893. leaving one son, Wesley.
Wesley Bishop was born September 22. 1852 . and has always resided with his father on the home place of 164 acres, which is known as Pleasant Hill Farm. Since 1880 he has been engaged in the Merino sheep industry, and is now serving as secretary and treasurer of the Ohio Merino Sheep Breeders' Association, having served in this capacity since 1897. This body was organized in 1882 and Mr. Bishop was one of the charter members of the association. He owns the largest flock of pure-bred Merino sheep in Delaware County and has done a great deal toward raising the quality of the stock in this section. He married Addie Rosella Jacoby, who was born in Marion County, Ohio, and who is a daughter of the late Jacob Jacoby, of Delaware County. Wesley Bishop and wife have had four children, namely: O. Hartley, now deceased: Josie L., Archie J. and Violet R. Mr. Bishop is a Republican. He belongs to the order of Woodmen of the World.
For a number of years Levi Bishop has served in the office of justice of the peace and in this capacity is known and esteemed all through Troy Township. Politically he is a Republican. During the Civil war he served with the 100-day men, called out in 1864, as a member of Company C. One Hundred and Forty-fifth Regiment. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, being stationed at Arlington Heights. Washington, D. C. Mr. Bishop is one of the older residents of Troy Township and he and his son have been identified with a large part of its material development, both being men of excellent judgement and foresight and of the best type of citizenship.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens by James R. Lytle